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Journalist ... needs someone who can read a company account

Dusting off my 'investigative journalist's' hat, I'm trying to find someone - maybe someone with accountancy training - who knows how to read a set of small company / charity accounts. and could give me a bit of pro-bono help.  I'm looking at a potential company/charity scam - company and charity acting together to defraud.  I don't have a budget for this yet, but the investigation will be crowdfunded, and at this stage I just need to be sure I understand how the financial statements add up.  I'm certain there is a tax dodge / charity scam involved - I need to find out exactly where.<div><br></div><div>One of the companies / charities involved is active in this area - though that's coincidental as they are London-wide.</div><div><br></div><div>Any volunteers?</div><div><br></div><div><br><div><br></div><div><br></div></div>
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