Flat White

edited June 2008 in General chat
I happened to be in Berwick St yesterday and passed Flat White. I had 15 minutes, so i popped in for a coffee. What's so great about it? I quite liked the pictures and the coffee was good, but it was a pretty bog standard cafe, no better than Bar Chocolate or any number of other Soho places. I'm more than happy to give it another go, but i didn't see the magic. What did I miss?


  • edited 1:27PM
    Sweet as bro.
  • edited 1:27PM
    Well...depends on your take on coffee. Put simply the best coffee baristas in the world are in Australia and New Zealand. Flat White is excellent but Taylors Baristas in Brighton is the best in the UK. It's all about how the coffee is made, how the beans are ground and very crucially how the milk is frothed. It just so happens that most Australian trained baristas are brilliant at making coffee making their coffees incomparable to the sludge served up in most places.

    The Front Room for example, you'd think they would have good coffee. ugh. it's 'orrible.
  • edited 1:27PM
    The only good coffee around here is Food for Thought at the bottom of Blackstock Road. I cant find anywhere else.
  • edited 1:27PM
    Surely the best baristas are in Italy, as a general rule. I'm going to struggle to believe the Oz thing, I really am.
  • edited 1:27PM
    Not the bloody coffee conversation again.
  • edited 1:27PM
    Caffeine autism. I like coffee black, negating that crucially frothed milk. This may explain my scepticism but sweepingly attributing any skill to a single nation seems a bit naive.
  • edited 1:27PM
    @ predicaments - WOTS is, get to [Fleet St](http://www.taylor-st.com/locations/locations_fleet.html) early.
  • edited 1:27PM
    Coffee is made well in Australasia but it's really just about whether you like it that way. Americans (more sweeping statements coming) like coffee that is piss-weak that you can drink all day. It's not wrong I suppose. Personally I hate instant coffee and would rather not drink anything.
  • edited 1:27PM
    Funny before I lived in Melbourne I didn't see the point of Australia let alone Australians and certainly food and coffee were the furthest things on my mind! It's funny how opinions can change so much! Honestly you have to take my word for it - the coffee in Melbourne is better than in Italy, period. And those properly trained Australian baristas make fantastic coffees. I wish there was a good coffee place in Stroud Green.
  • edited 1:27PM
    Tosscat thanks for the link - will go there next time i'm in fleet st.
  • edited June 2008
    Another interesting point of information - I do not drink coffee (or tea)

    Yikes. Sorry about giving another fact so soon!

    Although I did once see an Aussie girl who made awesome coffee, according to my housemate whose coffee machine she used to do it. Luckily it was exactly the same as hers at home.
  • edited 1:27PM
    It greats because:
    a) it tastes like coffee. In a world of starbucks sweet milk steam and costa boil-to-buggery, this is rare.
    b) It's an honest size. A coffee shop should be the size of a coffee shop, not the size of a marks and spencer. Everyone forgets this
    c) Monocle says so.
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