Lime ice cream

edited May 2008 in Local discussion
is back in stock at Pizza P. Mmmmm.


  • edited 12:46PM
    Limetta is back? Rejoice rejoice!!
  • edited May 2008
    Yes, noticed it last week. Marco spotted us ordering it and invited us in for some witty banter about Porchetta and gave us some free Limoncello I love that place!
  • edited 12:46PM
    Witty Porchetta Banter? What was it?
  • edited 12:46PM
    I told him about the poll on this site, and he said he'd vote for which one hadn't gone bankrupt! He told me that when they started out, in 1998, their suppliers gave them "2 weeks" before they would have to close the doors. Porchetta was thought of as unassailable.
  • edited 12:46PM
    This love of PP is still lost on me. Sports bar type TV and shit pizza's. I'm just not getting it.
  • edited 12:46PM
    No rats and good service
  • edited 12:46PM
    But, I reiterate, and at the risk of sounding boring - shit pizzas despite having a proper oven - it's unforgivable. And low-quality toppings.
    Tried Lupa the other day - much better (although the pizza was a bit on the cold side), and they don't even have a wood-fired oven.
  • edited 12:46PM
    My Firezza pizza was super late the other day and hence stone cold :(
  • edited 12:46PM
    Lupa is our pizza of choice right now. We seem to be lucky, never had a cold/late one from either Lupa nor Firezza, always piping hot. I get the feeling Porchetta hit its nadir and will slowly return under its new manager. PP on the other hand will always serve me undercooked eggs and shit cheddar to a backdrop of irritating Serie A commentators.
  • edited 12:46PM
    i quite like the italian football on a big screen. and i like the staff in pappagone more. aufentic, innit.
  • edited 12:46PM
    Sì, signore
  • edited 12:46PM
    there's nothing authentic about those pizzas.
  • edited 12:46PM
    Pizza snobbery is very silly really, especially in terms of pizza p and la porc. PP's are soggy and LP's are like a biscuit.
  • edited 12:46PM
    @Tosscat - there is nothing silly about wanting pizza perfection.
  • edited 12:46PM
    Another bit of alliteration: personal preference :)
  • edited 12:46PM
    I don't see not wanting your eggs raw on a pizza as being snobbish. It's the basics.
  • edited May 2008
    I think what tosscat meant (though I might be wrong) is that they're both shit. It's like wanting seaside perfection and comparing Skegness with Bognor Regis.

    By the way, saw Simon Pegg in the Noble lastnight - cap pulled down low over his forehead, reading the Guide and with his cute dog. He really couldn't have been more conspicuous if he tried.
  • edited May 2008
    Yeah I think I said something like that a while ago, I think they've both seen better times, that's why we're Lupa's these days. On the upside, we had good food yet again at the Noble. For a little place which can be rammed or very quiet its always been consistent for us.
  • edited 12:46PM
    We've always enjoyed food in the Noble, but the price really stings.
  • edited 12:46PM
    LImetta is back again!!!
  • edited 12:46PM
    PP makes the best pizza I've had in London, though I have yet to check out Franco Manca at Brixton Market. If it's so awful and inauthentic what standard is it being judged by?
  • edited 12:46PM
    FM is really nice, I'm making a visit tomorrow with someone off of here. They're kinda incomparable though. I hate the authenticity shit with pizza - FM is really nice and has super lemonade, but it's in a sixties shopping arcade; Pizza P is really nice and has a great atmosphere and I can get a lovely ice-cream after; the pizza my friend's aunt makes, cooked in an outdoor wood fired oven under the fig tree in the mountains slightly north of Cassino is amazing and is just topped with onions or potato or peppers, but it's in the mountains near Cassino and she only does it on very special occasions; Domino's can be great if you've had too much to drink.
  • edited July 2008
    @ JF - hurrah! I tried the mango but it wasn't nearly as nice. Shall take my son there after skool, and sit on the bench opposite. If it's not got the horrible street drinkers on it already.

    @ tosscat - 'off of', 'off of'??? Have you turned American?
  • edited 12:46PM
  • edited 12:46PM
    @katiejane - thank you. I hate "off of". Shudder.
  • edited 12:46PM
    Simply ghastly, init?
  • edited July 2008
    I'm sure I got it off of here - I must have gotten it off of somewhere.
  • edited 12:46PM
    or someone
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