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Live Maps...

edited July 2008 in General chat
I think this is the right place for links of a tecchie nature... take a look at this site, I think it is Microsoft's version of Google Earth. Except slightly better due to this feature - If you put in your postcode, choose BIRDSEYE view, and you'll be amazed, there are 4 different views - try N, S, E, W. The images are probably over a year old as the Arthur Simpson library is just a muddy patch... but it's still worth a look if you've not come across it before.


  • edited 1:51AM
    I wonder when those pictures were taken - because there are nearly no cars parked on my road (except mine, which I can see) and normally it's back to back. It's a pretty straight ripoff of google maps though isn't it?
  • edited 1:51AM
    Timing of the pictures is very varied - the "aerial" shots are sometimes years out of date (look at Emirates Stadium, for instance). The bird's eye view of the same place though tends to be much more recent - end of 2007 or later.

    Personally whilst I find the bird's eye view fascinating, it also feels like the point where all this "see everything on the net" starts to feel a bit intrusive.
  • edited July 2008
    Google Maps was, in turn, inspired by this site: []( ...which goes so far as to display bus times on bus stops and boat piers, free spaces on car parks as well as local amenities and more. Try searching for: Vevey. Amazing, if you live in Switzerland!
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