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  • Snake Oil Merchants. "The most common conditions that we treat are:" Sneaky use of the word "treat". Wouldn't it have been more useful to have a list of things that the evidence shows are actually made better? "enhance the blood and nerve supply …
  • 1) your argument would be stronger if you could provide evidence to substantiate this statement: "Many pensioners feel cut off from London news if they can't read this newspaper which has been part of their lives for many years." the only peop…
  • gits. doesn't sound like something you should need to pay to get rid of. When it happens if you open 'Task Manager' does it tell you the name of the application that is causing the flashed message? can you delete it if it does?
  • everything on this thread is anecdotal
  • I'm surprised to see Davies and Davies getting such good reviews. I bought through them; they told what turned out to be blatant lies and lost paperwork. I'd never use them again.
  • @andy thanks, I shall keep an eye , well nose, out for tangy lingering smell on the parkland walk. @emine apologies, I didn't realise it was you that wrote the article. They are a very fine pair of foxes- I was also tempted to feed them. I…
  • What about Wilson pointing to a fox who has fallen into a pothole? I know it's difficult to describe smells, but I'm often running the parkland walk and have never noticed a fox smell. Almost certainly because I don't know what to smell for. Is …
  • the 5 mile road race on FP had a good turnout last year too:
  • I rate the moroccan place on a corner about 500 west on seven sisters road that I can't remember the name of. Helpful I know.
  • Better than Slam? mini-festival this afternoon over hackney marshes way. £5 to Crisis charity
  • @unaesthetic "no alternative therapies have undergone the same testing as conventional ones" Would you accept a new drug being given to patients without knowing it was safe because it hadn't "undergone the same testing"? Alternative medicine h…
  • @colette Criticising a recommendation for an unproven, potentially dangerous (and expensive) alternative medical therapies is hardly pointless. If people weren't spreading these superstitions we wouldn't have homoeopaths treating AIDS and malaria o…
  • @colette " *yawn* " Well I guess it must be boring if you find yourself involved in an argument where you have nothing intelligent to say. @unaesthetic "accumulated corroborative testimony is (almost) all alternative therapies have to go on…
  • But that could have been a coincidence (eg. the worse period coincided with not going to the osteopath). Or it could be because of the placebo effect altering your subjective opinion on the pain. I can't see how you can prove causation with a person…
  • @colette " but I certainly can judge a type of medicine based on my own subjective experience. If it worked for me, then I consider it successful, end of" hmmm, but how can you possibly say that the benefits you felt were as a result of the oste…
  • That's because you haven't reached the critical mass necessary to foster the delusion -yet. That's what I'm afraid of. The psychotic world of Crouch End mummydom. They're like zombies. Except with tennis rackets and shiny-white teeth.
  • I think I might just vomit on the next person who says 'it's the most important job in the world'. I mean ffs- I'd like to see them say that to Ban Ki-Moon.
  • apparently there are no chartered physios in N4. see: 3 in N8 though. But did you ask your GP to refer you for physio? Why pay if you can get it for free?
  • I don't think you can judge an alternative medicine, or indeed any medicine, based on your own subjective experience. If you look at the British Society of Osteopathy's website there is ample evidence that they're dimwits: http://www.british-inst…
  • What sort of spasm? I'd check out the evidence base for whatever therapy you choose, be it conventional or alternative, or it could just be a waste of cash.
  • Well, after some investigation I would say about 30-40% of the women have clearly got make up on (and, being as I never normally notice these things, I bet they'd have to have rather a lot on for me to be able to tell). I forgot to check the men t…
  • 1000 discussion topics??
  • I have to admit to not being terribly observant when it comes to makeup at the best of times. However, I shall check it out tomorrow. Have you come across the guy who squeals just like a pig when he's doing the last few reps of a set? I had my fi…
  • it's still in "Rowans Health & Fitness Club 10, Stroud Green Rd, Finsbury Park, London, N4 2DF, Tel: 020 8211 7766" but oddly not on their website: Maybe it's shut down. I think I spoke to them on the phone …
  • @matt Sadly only one-player and it doesn't come with a pub attached.
  • hmmm. Looks like it's just me turning into a middle aged fogey then, or possibly just the gym (I've never explored elsewhere). I've been going for three years and was thinking about switching to another gym. Apparently there's one at Rowan's. Ha…
  • Hi [I would usually inspire you with some sparkling chitchat, Dylanesque parlance and casual wit, obviously. Unfortunately I ended up in Chapter One last night and have the lexicon of a mute shipwrecked nematode worm]