New Features!

edited November 2008 in About this site
We've done a big update on the site! There are lots of new things, plus some things that have been around but we haven't explained before. So - here's what there is: **Email Newsletter** You can now get a weekly email update of the latest Stroudgreen threads. To set this up, go to "Your Account" in the top right hand corner, then select "Forum Preferences" from the sidebar on the left, then tick the box next to "Receive weekly newsletter by email". **Events Calendar** You can now see [what's coming up]( in the area. If you've organised an event - from gigs in pubs to jumble sales, we'll list it there for you. Follow the link to find out how to do that. **Photo Gallery** You can now see [photos]( of the local area. They are taken from [this group]( on Flickr. To add your own photos, join Flickr, then add your photos to the group. **Shop** The [shop]( is the same as it ever was. If you have an idea for a t-shirt or mug send it to us and we'll do it. By the way, the "I heart N4" mug is ace. **Local Directory** Our famous [directory]( is still there, still edited by members and still open to widespread abuse by link spammers. Feel free to add stuff if it's not there. **Twitter** Follow Stroudgreen on [Twitter/stroudgreen]( - it will automatically post new forum threads. Check it all out and let us know what you think. **Feeds** We've got a couple of feeds you can grab [here]( and [here](, to put in your blog readers or whatever. **Radio Free Stroudgreen** members can join [this group]( Anybody can [listen to the radio station]( Free Stroudgreen), which is created from the listening habits of members. **Private Messages** No. We still don't have these. It's far more complex than we can explain. We're working on it.


  • edited 1:57AM
    Well done - it looks great!
  • edited 1:57AM
    looks nice! what typeface is the "stroudgreen"logo in? it looks like myriad semibold or bold...

    (trying to hone my geek typography skillZ)
  • edited 1:57AM
    Not bad unaesthetic. Myriad Pro, Black. Tracking around -75.
  • edited 1:57AM
    oooh, new font.
  • edited 1:57AM
    congratulations, it's beautiful!
  • edited 1:57AM
    Fantastic. It looks great.

    I do, however, have one request. Is it possible to tweak the colour of the shading used to show that there are new posts on a thread? Could it be made slightly more obvious? The current colour doesn't show up on my laptop unless I'm looking at exactly the right angle. Ta.

    I also note that back-navigating doesn't cause the new posts count to update / refresh. I always wondered how that worked before. Now, I'll never know. Unless you tell me, that is.
  • IanIan
    edited 1:57AM
    Agree it looks great. Can I echo Poxy on the colour of the shading - minor point but I didn't think there were any new posts. Colour blind so subtle shades not really my thing ...
  • edited 1:57AM
    Thanks for all the kind comments. We will increase the contrast on the new posts. Also, we're still doing bits and pieces of tweaking, so anything else you find we'd be keen to hear about.
  • edited 1:57AM
    Colour tweaked. its the same yellow now as the original vanilla install for unreads so if the previous one worked for you, this should too.
  • IanIan
    edited 1:57AM
    Perfect David, thanks.
  • edited 1:57AM
    That's great, thanks.

    However, I've realised I'm not so keen on the squished up TNR with letter-spacing:-2px;

  • edited November 2008
    yeah, that tracking needs fixing.

    made me think of the comedy typography term "keming", meaning "bad kerning"...

    TNR is horrid anyway. there are so many lovely serifs out there. i'm currently a bit obsessed with garamond.
  • edited 1:57AM
    I may have wanted to use Myriad throughout the site for sans stuff and like Trebuchet isn't the best sans out there, Times isn't the best serif out there by a long shot, but for web work my only other option realistically is Georgia, would you like me to try that? Tracking I can reduce. So shall I try Georgia at -1? Shall I just switch the whole lot back to sans? I think comedy kerning was more around [this type of misreading issue]( so rather harsh to lump my Times at -2 into that but hey, I'm starting to get a glimpse of what a new pancake joint in Stroud Green would have to put up with.
  • edited 1:57AM
    This is awesome, well done guys!
  • edited November 2008
    Nice work guys, scared me a bit on first visit. Warming to it now I'd like the option of switching of the right hand column of big buttons, though
  • Quality interweb handiwork. Dix points to all concerned. And very much liking the twitterfeed to.
  • edited 1:57AM
    It all looks great. Not quite sure what's happened but I'm having a bit of trouble with it on my work computer - if I go to (either directly or by clicking on the Home button) I get the following error message: "Server Default page If you see this page it means: 1. hosting for this domain is not configured or 2. there's no such domain registered in Plesk What you can do: Using Plesk, you can create domains with web hosting on a single physical server." I don't get this at home so I guess it might be something my work is doing? Alternatively work uses Internet Explorer v6 whereas at home I'm using v7 I think
  • edited 1:57AM
    The site didn't seem to have a stylesheet this morning when I logged in - not sure if that was a problem at my end or not. Seems OK again now though.
  • edited 1:57AM
    That's a cache thing - it's got a stored copy of the old site as we updated it - so if you clear the cache then it should all work.
  • edited 1:57AM
    @jandb - we were upgrading some other bits then. should all be fine now.
  • edited 1:57AM
    I'll echo what everyone else has said, i like the new look/functions and think you've done a good job.

    I'm an ex web designer/developer so if you ever needed a hand with anything just ask. Looks to me like you're doing just fine tho...
  • edited 1:57AM
    @James - you need to flush your DNS - I hate that phrase, it sounds dirty - but assuming you're using windows xp (IE6) go to the command prompt via the start menu and then type 'ipconfig /flushdns' - it'll update and hopefully you'll see the new stuff. Otherwise its a workplace IT DNS thing and you'll just have to wait until they next update.
  • edited 1:57AM
    My input box has a slightly annoying horizontal scrolling thing going on whereby it seems to be cut off on one side and I can barely see the vertical scroll bar at all. This seems new to me although I may be wrong.
  • edited 1:57AM
    ah. what browser you on tosscat? I'll go bug fix it.
  • edited 1:57AM
    I was worried that this refurbishment work would turn the place into a bland gastropub, but all the interesting features (such as the tosscat) appear to have been retained and enhanced. A sensitive conversion, well done.

    I am still having problems with the colours that indicate which threads have new posts. It was OK, but now the yellow has gone back to being ever-so-slightly-off-white again (on both IE6 and Safari). Is this just me?

    And is the group being slightly selective about who it admits? I'm ringing the doorbell, and no-one is answering.
  • edited 1:57AM
    Er. The group is not selective, I've just turned all the email notifications.
  • edited December 2008
    Hi mapsa, thanks. I went to see ['Drifitng & Tilting' that (I think?) you reviewed (nice site!)]( Don't take this the wrong way but i couldn't agree less. I'm no theatre fan and was hoping for a more purely musical rendition so hated it and wanted to shoot Nigel Richards in said blindfold. That or replace him with the pig and set the boxer on him. Anyways, shouldn't be the light yellow anymore but i'll double check. Give your caches a good refresh just incase.
  • edited 1:57AM
    An no, my mistake somehow I'd uploaded the older colour - fixed now.
  • edited 1:57AM
    @mapsa - it's an original tosscat, dated back to the early 19th century. if you look closely, you can see the original marquetry. It's got a preservation order on it, so we couldn't move it even if we wanted to.
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