Sainsbury's is coming to Stroud Green Road - Woody's is going!



  • edited 1:04AM
    DonnaW - you really mean is that Sainsbury's will be in SGRoad again. They had a shop there until about 1952/3. I remember it well because my best pal's father was a Sainsbury's Area manager and that was on his territory. Apart from which I recall how the whole floor was covered in sawdust (as were most butchers' floors by the way) fresh in the morning and swept clean in the evening.
  • edited 1:04AM

    I hear Tallboy is especially excited.

    Already ordered a nectar card in anticipation..
  • edited 1:04AM
    Pretty much everyone should have a Nectar card anyway, it works for dozens of online shops including stuff like Amazon and, and if you're not already on Lovefilm they'll give you points for doing a free trial.
  • edited 1:04AM
    Doesn't the Nectar card also give you airmiles? In which case (and in any other) I'd be most grateful for someone explaining how to actually claim them. I probably have two equators worth by now and have no idea to get hold of them.
  • edited 1:04AM
    I trust it's Stroud Green Road rather than me that your Google Alerts are keeping tabs on Donna!

    @Busby Can you remember where along the road it used to be?
  • edited 1:04AM
    Nectar cards are evil.
  • edited 1:04AM
    Agree with the 'nectar cards are evil' thing. Didn't use mine for 12months, tried to use it - "oh, it's been deactivated". "What's happened to my points?" , "You can get them back if you pay a £15 fee". Ffs, I'll keep my oven chip and preparation-H buying habits to myself then.

    The Man ain't getting nothing out of me
    <img src=""></img>
  • edited 1:04AM
    While I'm against stuff like ID cards and NHS Summary Care Records (remember to opt out of the latter before May, folks - though my surgery at least had no idea what I was talking about last week), I honestly can't see what threat The Man knowing about my shopping habits might pose. Besides, The Man is obviously not paying much attention given I recently got Nectar coupons for extra points on fish and poultry, having been a vegetarian for 20 years...
  • edited 1:04AM
    I dont want a Sainsburys along sgr. Its not going to be 24hr like Woodys. I wont be able to buy booze when i finish work at 2am. They obviously dont think of the working stiff which is alright for you lot as you sound like youre just a bunch of housewives who love loyalty cards. It would take a HELL of a long time to get a flight to anywhere remotely sunny if nectar cards gave you air miles. You want to go on holiday and save money DONT REPRODUCE.
  • edited 1:04AM
    Tough. You are getting a Sainsbury's on SGR. Just buy your booze before you got to work.
  • edited 1:04AM
    I don't really see what exactly is the problem with people being housewives! As for the reproduction issue I have already been vetoing for a gay venue in SG on another thread. I'm big way into scally and other bits of rough, and SG definitely has potential!
  • edited 1:04AM
    @ Jacksoff
    I'm not a housewife.
    I have a Nectar card.
    I think there should be a limit on reproduction.

    Although it is hard to get an abortion sanctioned after the child is born...

    Is it a valid reason to keep a shit shop open because you are not organised enough to buy your booze in preparation for your post 2am drinking sessions?
  • AliAli
    edited 1:04AM
    Nectar is a pretty poor compared to the Tesco’s Club Card which has points 4 times more valuable per pound spent. Now they are double it is probably worth 8 times. Boots card is also pretty good.
  • edited 1:04AM
    Hahahaha fair comments from everyone. Of course this is just my personal preference therefore not stating right or wrong. Just a shame because i like stroud green road as it is. 'sniff'. However as for militant residents around this awesome neighborhood vetoing things, america just called, proposition 8 needs another republican supporter.
  • AliAli
    edited 1:04AM
    Any one for Tea ?
  • edited 1:04AM
    Good Idea. You never know...Jackoff (sic) might just be the bit of SGR rough Marquis has been looking for!
  • edited 1:04AM
    i am so up for NHS summary care records. it's stupid that they haven't implemented a proper information sharing system for allergies and medicine reactions before. oh and nectar cards are shit, i've been using mine for three years and just logged on to find i have £2.50 worth of points. no idea where the rest of them went. apparently they're worth double at ASK restaurants, so thank god i can get some rubbery tortellini for cheap. to claim the airmiles apparently you have to log on each quarter and convert them. otherwise the old points seem to just disappear into the ether.
  • edited March 2010
    So exactly what's wrong with NHS summary care records - it sounded like a good idea to me?
  • edited 1:04AM
    It is a great idea for those of us with allergies, regular drug use and complex medical conditions. It means we might not die from inappropriate treatment if we end up in an A&E away from the hospital that usually gives us care. Those people who oppose it have no medical conditions and therefore no use for it. Which means there will be no private information on their summary care record. So I don't know why they are so against having a blank on a central database against their name.
  • edited 1:04AM
    I gave up on the Nectar card long ago, can't stand the manipulation. All that driving around looking for a Sainsbury's petrol station, to collect the points and then getting a Nectar credit card to double the points, dear me, and isn't it only BA you can use for the airmiles.

    At least the Man may have been just trying to tempt you, @ ADGS, with coupons for meat, thinking you may have been buying it elsewhere. I was sent coupons for TenaLady Incontinence pads, which I've never bought either. I think my age must have been cross referenced with my purchase of cat food or something and assumptions made. I'm not ready yet though.

    I've got a similar issue with the NHS records, I don't trust it, either to get the summary right or to keep them safe. I probably won't bother with the opt out. It seems inevitable. At least if I get mown down on my bike by a skip lorry turning left, they'll see quickly I'm an organ donor. Seems to keep happening to cyclists on the route I take to work.
  • edited 1:04AM
    I am genuinely gutted that Woody's is closing. I don't really care what it sells, I just love the fact that is is 24 hours. Any 20-something around N4 has a Woody's tale to tell! Nothing better than a 4am beer run and a bit of banter with the staff. I will miss it's random decor and random groceries when it's gone.
  • edited 1:04AM
    If you read the licencing notification, it seems to imply that Sainsbury's will also be 24hrs, no?
  • edited 1:04AM
    Yeh but will Sainsbury's let you dance around the christmas tree at 4am? Doubt it.
  • edited 1:04AM
    Or fall in the drinks fridge.
  • edited 1:04AM
    oh I've done that before too!
  • edited 1:04AM
    The Sainsbury's licensing application suggests they will be open 24 hours, but not sell booze in the middle of the night. However, there are at least two shops on Seven Sisters Road which will continue to be fine for buying booze post-clubs or working late within, what, 10 minutes' walk of Woody's? And closer to most nocturnal transport options.

    Summary Care Records: I do have at least one long-standing medical condition, as it happens, and a couple of allergies (one truly bonkers). But I also have a friend who still feels profoundly guilty over his involvement in setting up the NHS dataspine, and who has been salving his conscience by warning us all about how buggy and insecure it is, and how lots more people will have access to it than the nice shiny brochures claim.
  • edited 1:04AM
    @dorothy - you're right about skip lorries (and others) turning left being a major killer for cyclists. Just never, ever go up their left hand side - would you entrust your life to the gamble that the driver has remembered to indicate?
  • edited 1:04AM
    I was just thinking... No one has mentioned that some of the staff at Woody's are waiting to find out if Sainsbury's will give them a job. Sainsbury's have refused to comment on whether they will or not, which is never a good sign!

    Would it not be worth trying to create a bit of an "online stir" to see if we can petition Sainsbury's to give them jobs and help some fellow locals?
  • edited 1:04AM
    Absolutely not. I'm sure the staff in Woody's are nice people, but in my experience they are not cut out for roles in the service industries.
  • edited 1:04AM
    Hello Clusters by the way. Nice first post, welcome to the forum.
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