Best Christmas House in SG



  • What's ironic about the angel and the star is they're probably nothing to do with the baby Jesus.  Christmas isn't either and existed before Mr J came about.  <div><br></div><div>And people who complain about houses lit up like christmas trees because of environmental issues should add up their air miles. Apparently a long haul flight of 4000 miles return is the equivalent of 5,000 miles in a car a year.  All the smug environmentalists should add up their mileage to India, Vietnam....Maybe the people who live in the lit up house don't travel much and don't have a car.  </div><div><br></div>
  • @Misscara, the ironies abound. A Christmas tree is OK but stars & angels not = total inability to frame a logical thought process!! What is on top? Does the company believe stars don't shine over non-Christian countries??
  • I have a fairy on top of my tree. The star on the tree represents the star that led the wise men to Bethlehem. As I said, there is no environmental impact from the lights on the Christmas house - because they are LEDs.
  • Miss Annie, I agree.  Long live the star that leads wise men to whatever.  And Christmas houses.  Let the scrooges jet off burning off energy to India or wherever over the Christmas period.  Good riddance.
  • It is a shame people can't put whatever they want on top of any tree. In Australia they use solar Xmas lights
  • @ Sulent.  Why the big deal about the Christmas lights.  Do you power your car (and you have mentioned you have one) by solar.  Christmas lights don't use much power.  The people with the lights probably use about the equivalent of 30 liters of petrol over the Christmas period.
  • Final thougtht, Sutent.  You have been a bit self-righteous about the people with the Christmas Lights on their house.  You have a car as you have mentioned on here.  I would like you to add up all you airplane trips over the last twenty years plus your mileage in you car.  Then knock on the door of the person with Christmas lights.  My guess is that they haven't used so much fuel/energy.  Electricity isn't as much as other fuels.  
  • @kreuzkav you are correct I did have a car. The reason I owned one was that I could get to the hospital if I was called in an emergency. I rarely drove anywhere else. I am more than happy to justify ally foreign trips. I am sorry that you think I am self-righteous, and I would hope that you would reconsider that opinion if we ever met. I am sorry if I was not clear. Its the extravagant lights that I think gross. It surely goes against the grain of Whst xmas was supposed to be about. I hope all the flashing led lights bring as much Xmas cheer for the people who put them up. For many others it brings out the opposite.
  • Internet. Bad it is for misunderstandings.
  • Did Kreuzkav just accuse someone else of being self-righteous?
  • @Misscara that Christmas tree vs star thing is priceless<br>
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  • @ Arkady.  I like Sutent. Seems like a lovely person.  I'm guilty of the same thing myself.  I agree lots of lights equals lots of energy but sometimes we don't notice the energy we use ourselves e.g. through flying.. And I have flown quite a bit.  
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  • Perhaps Sutent, Stroud Green's energy watchdog will issue you with extra points.
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