Ferme Park Road - New planning application

edited January 2009 in Local discussion
Have just seen on list of new Haringey planning applications that The Triangle is being demolished to make way for new ground floor restaurant and flats upstairs. Think it was a matter of time as often very quiet. Sad though. Pretty sure owners are Londis people who own some of that parade. They’ve also applied for planning to adapt flats above some of those shops. Wonder what restaurant will be next..


  • edited 8:10PM
    How exciting.
  • edited 8:10PM
    Is the Triangle good? It's always captured my attention as I go past on the W3 with all those plants (Am I thinking of the right place?) but I've never been in. Should I get around to it before it's too late?
  • edited 8:10PM
    Been there several times (though not recently) and food was always interesting and sometimes great.
  • edited 8:10PM
    I'm not sure if that's an endorsement or not!
  • edited 8:10PM
    Think wisteria has got that right. I was trying to think whether I could recommend it or not, couldn't decide and so didn't reply. I'll definitely go soon even if just to say goodbye. If you're gonna go, try an evening near the weekend, busier and cosy dim lighting. Its pants with no atmosphere during the day or when empty.
  • edited 8:10PM
    Agree with others feelings. Have only been a few times and now feel bad about that if low takings have fuelled this. Had lovely food but menu a bit odd in that it doesn't change much and includes ostrich or crocodile but could do with more crowd-pleasers. Wait.. I just checked the menu online and it's changed and looks lovely!!! Damn. I am going before it closes [yum](http://www.thetrianglerestaurant.co.uk/menu.asp) Owner is LOVELY and last time I was there gave me and my 2 friends a bottle of Prosecco for free after we'd finished our wine. It made up for the fear we may be beheaded by the (excellent) belly dancer balancing and spinning a sword on various parts of her body - at close quarters. If he gave out wine a lot though, maybe his profits suffered.. I had it earmarked for my next big birthday do. Oh well.
  • edited 8:10PM
    Agree, the triangle was innovative and odd. Londis is so fantastic you have to be optimistic. We need a fish and chip shop ...
  • edited 8:10PM
    The last fish and chip shop (The Codfather, who made rather nice fish and chips I felt) didn't last very long though.

    It will be a shame if the Triangle goes. The last meal I had there, just before Christmas was very good. Anyone remember the place that was there before? WXD I think it was called.
  • edited 8:10PM
    That's a shame, the Triangle is different to anything else in the area - the only belly dancing I've ever actually enjoyed, and decent food in a quirky setting.

    "new ground floor restaurant and flats upstairs" sounds worryingly dull.
  • edited 8:10PM
    <a href="http://www.planningservices.haringey.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=194282" target="qwerty">Plans here.</a>

    I have a slight problem with The Triangle. The food's ok, the venue is ok and the service is ok. However, last time we went there was the standard "12.5% gratuity not included" on the menu. When I looked closely at the bill a few days later the waitress had added a 20% tip to the bill. A tad cheeky if you ask me. We've not been back since.
  • edited 8:10PM
    The gentleman on the planning application does indeed appear to be connected to our award-winning Londis:
  • edited 8:10PM
    The cause of the Triangle's demise is all too obvious. They left their xmas decorations up past twelfth night.
  • edited 8:10PM
    You all love Londis?
    It has a great selection, obviously, but I can't believe how expensive it is, even for fairly standard items, when compared with anywhere on SGR - and I can't believe it's because they have higher costs?
  • edited 8:10PM
    Londis is my home from home. And the old man of the shop always gives my kids a little trinket from one of those racks that has all sorts of stuff no one buys on it. My son is starting to become affronted by it (pink plastic earings)but it's nice I think. I pay the extra for the service. I lived above that Londis once. A long long time ago. I wonder what will happen to Threshers? And the newspaper shop next door is a bit quiet and dreary. And has anyone ever been into that pub across the road? I'm a bit frightened yet intrigued by it.
  • edited 8:10PM
    The Nicholas Nicholby? Don't get us Upper East siders started.
  • edited 8:10PM
  • edited 8:10PM
    The UES was/is a subgroup of la-de-da people that live on top of the hill and were trying to be all superior until someone got shot (non-lethally) on Mount View Road. Membership is fairly exclusive - i.e. mostly me and Tosscat. For discussion of NN, see "New Visitors Start Here" thread. General conclusion = go to The Noble instead.
  • edited 8:10PM
    It does look as if it's one of the guys who owns the Londis shop (Alpesh Patel) who has the planning application in doesn't it?

    I just asked one of the guys who has worked in Londis for many years if he knows anything about it and he said he doesn't. Assuming he's telling the truth (no reason to suppose otherwise) then the owners certainly aren't sharing this info with their staff.
  • edited 8:10PM
    I used to be an UES member, living on the lovely Ferme Park Road for a year until landlords wanted their place back.

    Londis is just spectacular. If there's pretty much anything I ever need and I want to avoid going to multiple shops I go there. The one thing I miss from Ferme Park Road, even though we're still not too far away on Shaftesbury Road these days.
  • edited 8:10PM
    Pretty much anything:

    On our honeymoon we found an amazing locally made sticky toffee pudding.

    When we moved to Stroud Green, there it was in Londis.
  • I appreciate organic this and that as much--or more--than the next person but I don't like the mark-up in Londis and the owner's business practices locally have attracted criticism particularly from some of his many tenants.
  • edited January 2009
    I think Londis is great for a corner shop, but it is relatively expensive. My favourite thing about it is the massive scotch egg, googly eyes picture they have in the window.
  • edited 8:10PM
    What practices Jeremy? I like Londis and accept the prices when I go in there, if I'm feeling frugal I'll vote with my feet and trudge along to Woody's/Tesco's. Interested in the criticism, not being a nearby tenant...?
  • edited 8:10PM
    There's nothing frugal about the prices in Woody's.
  • It's true. The prices at Woody's have gone up dramatically, while the quality gets worse and worse. Walk a little further to Yasar Halim. You can reward yourself with baklava.
  • edited 8:10PM
    mmm.... feta borek
  • edited January 2009
    Well, I've found Woody's fine recently and its veg is cheaper than Tesco. Londis covers the bits the others can't. Between them its a great local choice. Yasar Halim without question has some lovely food and is cheap but it's just not 'a little further', its closer to Manor House than Stroud Green - actually the Green Lane Sainsbury's, Crouch End Budgens and Holloway Waitrose are all closer to SGR than them.
  • edited 8:10PM
    I keep meaning to cycle over to yasar halim - I'm drooling just thinking about the feta borek.
  • It depends on where you live. We're on Woodstock Road. It's a 10-minute walk to Woody's and 20 minutes to Yasar Halim. We usually take the 29 back because it's a bitch to carry the heavy shopping bags.

    Does anyone remember when Woody's used to be called Yessim (or something like that)? They had dirt-cheap fresh veggies and nice bread. The bread is still ok, but the veg is nowhere near as fresh and twice as expensive.
  • edited 8:10PM
    If its 10 to Woody's its 30 to Yasar Halim. But yes, Yessim is fresher/cheaper than Woody's. Flat White is apparently way better than Front Room for coffee. Come to think of it, Barcelona is hotter than Finsbury Park _and_ has a beach. What are we all doing here?
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