
I walked back home to Stroud Green from Clerkenwell this evening and was quite surprised at how much quicker it was than I had expected. It took me an hour and ten minutes and I probably didn't take the quickest route (Farringdon -> Old Street -> Highbury Corner -> Hornsey Road -> Tollington Park -> Ferme Park Road). I'm wondering if anyone else regularly walks to/from Stroud Green and if so whether you have any tips on good routes.


  • IanIan
    edited 12:12PM
    I walk to Stroud Green all the time. Out of the house, turn left then right. About 3 minutes tops.
  • edited 12:12PM
    In any direction?
  • edited 12:12PM
    I used to walk Farringdon to back of Camden for years, a shortened version if you will. If find the extra 25 mins(ish) to get to SG just that bit too long timewise for regular commutes so cycle. Anyone else regularly cycle into centre of town? My current route to Covent Garden is almost completely new roads now - its such a pleasure. They've even sorted out the deathwish that was the Isledon/Tollington stretch.
  • edited 12:12PM
    I cycle to Holborn and back, through the backstreets of Highbury & Barnsbury, and it's a pleasure; takes 25mns on a slow day and I only encounter big buses on SGR and then Theobald's rd. Not so much on the new roads though - there are a few pothole-ridden horrors.
  • edited 12:12PM
    We must have similar routes Colette, crossing Holloway from Drayton I do McKenzie - Westbourne - Thornhill - Barnsbury which is mostly good, worst bit being the little pothole-ridden slalom across Offord between Westbourne and Thornhill. Not new roads granted mind. I think I'm getting rose-tinted by the new Isledon stretch and Woodstock Road. Means I'm halfway into town before I hit a bump.
  • edited 12:12PM
    I've recently started cycling to the Trafalgar Square end of the Strand several days a week but am using major roads - hornsey rd then across to liverpool rd through angel and on down roseberry avenue to theobalds rd and kingsway. I love how cycling makes London feel like a small town, and there are so many other cyclists on these roads drivers are (generally) pretty careful of the stream of us. I do wonder tho if I'm missing a nicer route on quieter roads?
  • edited 12:12PM
    I find that speed bumps make the quieter roads pretty unpleasant/slow for cyclists.
  • edited April 2009
    Yep, David, that's basically my route too. I wish they'd resurface Drayton Park - even as an Arsenal fan I blame them and all the work on the new development for the now shoddy state of it. It's a shame because you can really pick up some speed on it, and a lovely smooth bit of a tarmac would be ace. @Kerry, there is definitely a nicer way to Theobald's rd than the one you're taking. I'll try and map it out for you and post a link. Mind you, chances are with my IT skills it won't work...
  • edited April 2009
    this is quite good for planning routes but doesn't show the little quiet streets: <http://maps.camdencyclists.org.uk/allroutes/?menu=Camden-selective>; I lied before I don't go down McKenzie - just realised while drawing [this map of my route](http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&vps=1&jsv=154c&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=100206464676104087397.000467bd4a7e2ba0c9a06) - the barnsbury road route runs parallel to Liverpool and is quieter - going via Lambs Conduit I find nicer than Roseberry Avenue. If you've any improvement tips on that route Colette, let me know.
  • edited 12:12PM
    I think I might need to rename the thread..
  • edited April 2009
    Sorry jamie_l. Threads get hijacked all the time. Ever read the one that [started out about cake, moved into space shuttles then video games and then star wars but then returned to cake?](http://www.stroudgreen.org/discussion/823/i-heart-cake/) I suppose you can take heart that this might return to walking at some point.
  • edited 12:12PM
    I do actually own a bike but I never use it, to my great shame. I'm a bit put off cycling by the fact that we don't have showers at work. It would be great if gyms offered a level of membership that just allowed you to use the changing rooms.
  • edited 12:12PM
    @ Jamie, err, sorry for hijacking your thread. @ David, I like the st Thomas's rd/Gillespie rd/drayton park route because the 1st two streets are very quiet, and then Drayton Park is lovely and wide and you can really bomb down it if you're that way inclined (apart from on a match day on the way home) - it has the advantage over Hornsey rd of not having any traffic lights.
  • edited 12:12PM
    Nobody's mentioned running. Has anybody tried jogging home from work? I have from Angel, Upper Street, across Highbury Fields, Drayton Park, up past Arsenal, that road where the Mosque is and up the side of FP to the Parkland Walk bridge. The only narky bits are along Upper Street and across FP station concourse where there are too many people getting in the way. Takes about 25 mins. I canb be a bit of a masochist. No risk of punctures or opened car doors though.
  • edited 12:12PM
    @Colette - I'll give it a try, do you just follow the one-way from bottom of SGR onto St. Thomas?
  • edited 12:12PM
    The moronic cretins who design supposed 'safe' cycle paths in London have not put in a route from the bottom of Stroud Green Road, across SS Road and into St Thomas's Street.

    From the bottom of SGR I go over the road at the traffic lights, in front of the buses and backwards down the one-way cycle path outside the Silver Bullet to the St Thomas's Street/Seven Sisters junction. You have to be careful there but if you wait for the green pedestrian light and go across the pavement into St Thomas's Street you are back on the cycle route.

    Not strictly legal I know but I don't see why I should put my safety at risk when some f**wit hasn't done a proper job by completing the cycle scheme. Roll on compulorsy euthenasia (possibly under a bus) for local road and cycle path planners.

  • edited 12:12PM
    Colette - link works! thanks for that I'll try this route next week
  • edited 12:12PM
    "Silver Bullet"

  • edited 12:12PM
    I tried running home from Soho a few times a couple years back. It seemed like a good idea, but there were too many people out. Had to stop or slow down every 30 seconds to avoid running into someone/getting hit by a car. Perhaps, had I stuck with it, I could have worked out a better route. But at 6pm in central London, there aren't very many empty sidewalks.
  • edited 12:12PM
    There are no sidewalks at all. There are pavements.
  • edited 12:12PM
    If starting from the west end, then the two easiest and quickest walking / running routes are the ones past either prison. In daylight, cutting through Marylebone and Regents Park is pleasant. Unfortunately then it's a case of Parkway and Camden Road before getting onto Tollington Way / Tollington Park for the last bit. For the most direct route, and starting from anywhere west of Russell Square / Covent Garden, you can't beat running to Kings Cross then all the way up the Cally Road (which has nice big pavements), then the Tollington roads again. Takes about an hour from the centre of town depending on your pace.
  • edited 12:12PM
    "Silver Bullet"

    I thought that was the name of the dire boozer on the frontage right opposite the front of FP station.

    Something to do with trains. Must be getting old.
  • edited 12:12PM
    It was called "The Gaslight" the one and only time I set foot over the threshold. I stepped back out again about five seconds later.
  • edited 12:12PM
    I've gone all misty-eyed:

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  • edited 12:12PM
    Loving the Drayton Park route, thanks Colette, not sure why I've never tried it before.
  • edited 12:12PM
    @ David - you're very welcome.
  • edited 12:12PM
    Does anyone cycle into the city? Have been meaning to start cycling to work and would love to know what routes people take...
  • edited 12:12PM
    Yep, my husband cycles to Bank every day - I'll get him to post up his route.
  • edited 12:12PM
    Brilliant - thanks Colette
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