Stroud Green Neighbourhood Day this Saturday?



  • edited 9:32PM
    Tosscat, I wasn't serious. Would it help if I used emoticons to indicate tone of voice?

    But it is a bit silly that Stroud Green Day doesn't include Stroud Green Road.

    Not that I'd go to a community day in the first place... There's a reason why we're all here rather than out there, making friends with the neighbours.

    You're right about the rubbish coffee, though. Trying to force myself to leave the house and go to Good for Food...
  • edited April 2009
    For nothing more than clarity, these are the Stroud Green Ward borders as per the Met: ![Ward]( But with it chopping out quite a few of our landmark restaurants and pubs, while technically correct for the ward, I don't see it as the living borders of Stroud Green. This site and others have naturally reached across the three main wards of Stroud Green, Hill Rise & Tollington _(with a bit of Crouch End & Finsbury Park thrown in)_ and incorrectly I suppose I was expecting a representation of that. That said, my tax goes into that 'Making the Difference' budget, I live within the ward, even applied to be a member of the SGRA yahoo group - I only wanted access to a picture of some unwanted kittens I was considering saving - and I still only found out about this neighbourhood day from a post on this site. It leaves me genuinely curious what £500 went on, as it clearly didn't go on publicity and there wasn't _that_ much cake flying around. And I do wonder what happened to [those kittens](
  • edited 9:32PM
    i'm not sure it's the rubbish coffee (i make the coffee in our house and it's good but too strong for lil r_c). i blame the diet bloody redbull she insists on ordering from tescos. where's my sugar high?
  • edited 9:32PM
    I can't stand the smell of Red Bull, let alone drink it.
  • edited 9:32PM
    I genuinely love Sugar Free Red Bull. It tastes like the future.
  • edited 9:32PM
    Thanks for the idea Reg. I don't want any government money. We're doing OK without it.
  • edited 9:32PM
    it tastes like the cancer i'm probably getting from the artificial sweetener. what's wrong with ingredients i can metabolise?
  • edited 9:32PM
    Please excuse this priggish interlude, but if it's anything like other similar local events, it gets publicised as widely and as well as people volunteer to help out so the answer of course is to volunteer to help out next year :-)
  • edited 9:32PM
    I disagree Mark. £500 buys stacks of local publicity (flyers? shops?) and none of the members on this site, 95% of whom are a thrown brick from this area, had heard of it.

    Posting it on the site would have been free as well.

    Though I applaud the lovely phrase "priggish interlude".
  • edited 9:32PM
    I organised the Neighbourhood Day which has caused some consternation on this site. I thought it might be useful if I outlined the thinking behind the event, its aims and the costs incurred.

    I put on the first Neighbourhood Day last year. It’s a small, simple idea - encourage people to do something in their front gardens - sell or give away old toys / books / plants / crafts / cakes - which would, in turn, encourage passers-by to walk around the area, stop and say hello.

    The problem I found last year is that while I was happy to put in the time necessary to drum up interest in the event and to use email resources to publicise it and so on, it was costly to print enough colour posters. Although I run the event under the auspices of SGRA, (a residents association) it has no funds.

    So after last year’s event I successfully applied for funding from the council’s Making a Difference grant programme to run this year’s event to ensure that I could pay for posters and to provide free refreshments – and other additional things I considered at the time such as entertainment.

    I was allocated up to £500 from the Making a Difference budget, but in the end I decided to keep things small and a local unicylist took on entertainment duties for free. Other volunteer help included a poster design and people offering to serve the refreshments.

    To advertise the event I postered the roads lited below, asked people to use their own email groups etc and contacted local papers.

    The cost of putting on the event came in at under £200 – for poster printing, balloons and refreshments at two locations, Holy Trinity Church and a front garden on Stapleton Hall Road.

    Incidentally, I received help and advice from several people at the council including members of the local neighbourhood team and I would encourage anyone who has an idea for the area to approach them. They are keen for community input. As is the safer Neighbourhoods Police team.

    Neighbourhood Day, by the way, was called just that - it wasn’t Stroud Green Neighbourhood Day. The posters etc announced it as Neighbourhood Day and then listed the streets involved - Mountview Road, Stapleton Hall Road, Granville Road and the roads inbetween - Elyne, Albany, Addington, Quernmore and part of Oakfield.

    I chose the area because it’s where I live, because there seemed to be natural cut-off points for the border and because the area, though not massive, contains some ‘institutions’ such as a church and library which would get involved.

    The local police team also attended the event and two local councillors helped out with a book giveaway. Craft workers were represented by jewellery makers, soft furnishings and pottery that I know of, and there were lots of book and toy stalls. One of my neighbours sold sizeable plants for £1 a pot and some other people played roadside games. I did a small golf game in the garden, sold jam and gave children chalk so they could decorate the pavement. Many of the stallholders - alhtough there are no rules as such about this - were passing any money they made to charities.

    Overall, it was all very low key, as it was intended to be - and we enjoyed good weather - although obviously, this sort of event is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea.

    I had quite a lot of positive feedback with people thinking of staging street parties on their own roads and someone saying they would plan a similar event in their part of Stroud Green (I don’t know which part, I’ll leave ‘border issues’ to other people).

    I will probably offer to run the event again on the same roads although there is no funding for next year, so volunteer help would be appreciated.

    I hope this post is helpful.
  • edited 9:32PM
    Surely SG defined by being just on the "wrong" side of the border ...
  • edited 9:32PM
    Thanks Helen. It's a lovely idea and my son who is 6 and me sold books and made a bit of cash. My kids leafleted the doors on top of Oakfield where we live and like the day. Talking to people and being out on your street! Just like when I was a kid. I'll be involved again next year and help you promote again.
  • edited 9:32PM
    I live on the upper east side and saw the posters, sorry helen, I´ve not read the whole thing (it´s a very long post and it´s 2am) but I did skim it and saw á local unicyclist´ in there somewhere. I´ve seen the unicyclist in question and he creeps my out some, I´d rather opal eye popped round with flyers. I´ll read the rest at some point, and then I may be more constructive, although I doubt it.
  • edited 9:32PM
    did you have the bayleaves helen? I´ve run out of the ones the mount view person was giving away and I think yours were 50p a pop - could i get some soon?
  • edited 9:32PM
    Thanks for taking the time to post that Helen, appreciated.
  • edited 9:32PM
    Makes more sense now Helen. Clearly the association of SGRA and a neighbourhood day has caused much confusion. So did you only take £200 or is the other £300 now stashed for next year?
  • edited May 2009
    Leave it now guys.
  • edited 9:32PM
    andrew, are you that cynical? i wasn't taking the piss.
  • edited 9:32PM
    @Bernie: Maybe we should have a late Sunday afternoon walk like the Italians do.
  • edited May 2009
    Surely if you're given a £500 grant, you spend £500 don't you?

    Sounds okay to me otherwise - maybe we could do something for Lower Stroud Green next year - I'm picturing a sound system and some cans of red stripe.

    Just one further thought. Were community relations really that much better a generation ago? We've just moved from a flat where we knew everyone in the block, and would stop to have a chat to about half of them. One offered to babysit when we had an emergency, and they were all happy to take parcels in for us when we were out.

    Within 24 hours of moving to a new street we'd met about five people who lived on the street, one of whom bought us a bottle of wine to christen to new house.
  • edited 9:32PM
    @Duncan Would we have to dress up as smartly as the Italians? I don't have the shoes.
  • edited 9:32PM
    @Bernie take yourself down to the Nags Head and pick up a nice pair of Frank Wrights from shoe zone. treat yourself, you deserve it
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