At last!

edited April 2009 in Local discussion
This morning, two lovely men were filling in the pot holes on SGR by the car wash - I am so happy! I told one of the men that he had made my day.
Just thought I'd spread the good news, thanks to the person who contacted the authorities.
Happy Friday!



  • edited 4:06AM
    Hooray! Doubt it was only me who reported the pot holes, but certainly my experience of reporting such items (to is generally good.
  • edited 4:06AM
    This is the pothole by the new development, right?

    Walked by it this afternoon. Saw several people get covered in filthy water. The hole looks bigger and deeper than before.
  • edited April 2009
    The potholes with the water are the ones caused by the elusive <a href="">water leak</a>. I think that's why they're repaired other potholes nearby, but whilst the leak is being traced not repaired those too yet.
  • edited 4:06AM
    Rainbow Carnage, you're right.
    They looked as though they were fixing it, I spoke too soon.

    It is indeed, worse than ever.
  • edited 4:06AM
    Latest news: now Thames Water have passed the buck back to Islington Council and asked them to clear out some of the gullies in the area:

    "The original estimation for completing the gullies was 6 weeks as of
    05/05/09. The maintenance team will take the decision whether to
    organise an interim repair but past attempts to fix the potholes have
    failed due to amount of water sitting in the holes."
  • edited 4:06AM
    Exciting development. Someone's digging up the pothole again. Would it be possible for it to be added to the Local Directory map thing as a local point of interest? I'm surprised the Gibbeted Pigeon isn't on there already.
  • edited 4:06AM
    i've never been so underwhelmed by a sight as that pigeon. Tesco has more horrific sights in its chiller.
  • edited 4:06AM
    my boyfriend claims The Pigeon has been splayed out and hung there by pest control men in an attempt to repel other pigeons. i say this is bollocks and not only can pigeons not understand the concept of death but the council wouldn't do that for hygiene/nightmare reasons. i think it just got its neck caught and hanged itself. but he is adamant he is right. can any of your readers help?
  • edited 4:06AM
    Pigeons easily scare, but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers.
  • edited 4:06AM
    <em>but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers</em>

    I don't agree. I used to have pigeons roosting on my extension roof. I spent an afternoon taking potshots at them with an air pistol. Missed everyt time, but they got the message. Never came back.

    Clearly intelligent beings. Like grey squirrels - actually a superior race with a plan to take over the world
  • edited 4:06AM
    Forgive my bad sand people reference and yes, they do seem intelligent:

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  • edited 4:06AM
    Why is that pigeon wearing a bib?
  • edited May 2009
    it's BBQ rib night at the testing facility
  • edited 4:06AM
  • edited 4:06AM
    The potholes are now mostly replaced by one large lake. Deck chairs anyone?
  • edited 4:06AM
    holiday snaps please
  • edited 4:06AM
    there was something on the bbc news this morning about saving britain's lakes. presumably by making new ones in stroud green road.
  • edited May 2009
    We should open the Wells Terrace Beach Bar & Grill. Drop some sand down around the new lake's edges, get Dada's BBQ to put some sounds on, few rum cocktails. Bliss.

    Andy, I know it's not quite our dream of the Baja Beach Bar & Grill but we've gotta start somewhere.
  • edited 4:06AM
    Why stop at one lake - a whole lake district.

    Loch Perth

    Marquis Mere

    Tollington Water
  • edited 4:06AM
    I await the stories of the Loch Ness Monster being spotted.
  • edited 4:06AM
    Will we have a gingerbread shop too?
  • edited 4:06AM
    Woo woo. The gullies have now been replaced. As I understand it, it's now back to Thames Water to fix other things before the council then fixes the pot holes.
  • edited 4:06AM
    Instead of breaking our backs digging these holes into lakes, lets just break the lid off the "covered resevoir" then we can settle the is it a secret underground military base argument, and have a gorgeous man made lake for knock down money.
  • edited 4:06AM
    Excitement of excitements: the hunt for the illusive water leak (which is the reason the potholes haven't been fixed) is about to return. Thames Water have told me they didn't think it was their water that was leaking but they're now about to go hunting again.
  • edited 4:06AM
    Life does not get more exciting than <a href="">this</a> (photo of pot holes, which finally got a temporary repair over the weekend).
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:06AM
    What, no pointing councillor?
  • CatCat
    edited March 2010
    When I cycled over the repair at 0800 this morning it already seemed to be breaking up...
  • edited 4:06AM
    Yep, the first pot hole has re-appeared today.

    Maybe if they repaired the cracked water main underneath first they might have more joy.
  • edited 4:06AM
    Arf, even the local councillors know it was doomed to fail and didn't want an embarrassing "Shaking hands with Mugabe" moment.
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