Random stabbing in Stroud Green Road



  • edited May 2009
    All I know is that it was late at night 'down SGR'. I sort of assumed it was the same incident that optimo started <a href="http://www.stroudgreen.org/discussion/1351/police-cordon-outside-hummingbird-sgr/">this thread</a> about two weeks ago. But maybe not. I'll ask the chap to clear it up when I next see him.

    If that is, he still ventures out........(cue scary music)
  • edited May 2009
    Well, disagreements about the appropriate level of panic aside, you've got two or three discussion threads _and_ links to the newspaper report. On top of that the Safer Neighbourhoods Team tune in now and again so might even give us an update if there are ever any further details. Happier?
  • edited 6:02AM
    Fear of crime and crime are different things. I think most people's view on here is that random acts of violence on strangers are incredibly rare and if they happen to you, you're very unlucky to have been the person affected. However, there's a 'fear of crime' mentality (that you can see by checking the front page of dailymail.co.uk) that is all pervasive and assumes there's an armed hoody on every corner, even if you live in a gated community in Epsom and read the Daily Mail. And it's bollocks. Most people who live in London are aware of the risks, but don't act and shouldn't act as if they live in Johannesburg.
  • edited 6:02AM
    Was it the N8 crew that tore up the flowers in crouch end a while ago? They clearly mean business and, if they're moving on to our patch, we need to be prepared. Get some secateurs!
  • edited 6:02AM
    I’m from New York originally and not particularly freaked out by this crime (or crime in general) but I don’t dismiss it without a second thought either.

    This wasn't the first stabbing on Stroud Green Road, just the most recent. There was one outside the bowling alley last summer as well as another altercation in the bus station not long after that (though I may be confusing events).

    Personally, I’d like to know more about what actually happened about this particular incident, especially since it took place around the corner from where I live -- that’s all.
  • edited May 2009
    Don't think anyone on here dismissed the crime or the victim without a second thought JoeV. They merely see it for what it is and don't freak out. If there had been more details, those details probably would have been discussed. There are no more details to discuss. That, or we could mutter vaguely about gang initiation rituals like the police, rising crime and whip up a local moral panic.
  • edited 6:02AM
    Hi there,

    I must say I am freaked out by it as its not far from where I live. Not for me for the person it happened to and to know this went on nearby. There have been lots of knife crimes all around where I live as well as other crimes. I have seen a mugging in my street. I have also been the victim of a mugging at knifepoint - not in this area but nearby too. So I know these things dont just happen to other people.

    We can keep pretending it happens everywhere and yes you are more likely to be run over etc, but I do think you are vulnerable as a young male around this area and the surrounding areas. So much so that I will move out of this area in the next few years.

    Im sure that has put the cat amongst the pigeons!
  • edited 6:02AM

  • edited 6:02AM
    miaow, coo
  • edited 6:02AM
    If you perceive this as a risk area, where do you have in mind to move to Bridget?
  • edited 6:02AM
    If all that happens on your street, Bridget, maybe you should put it up for the "worst street in stroud green" award? Terribly bad luck on your part.
  • edited 6:02AM
    Crouch End? They have vampires.
  • edited May 2009
    I thought that was Highgate?
    Vampires come at a premium these days.
  • edited May 2009
    [This world, its like being inside a huge leather ball. And outside the ball are other dimensions. And there are scuffs, nicks in the leather, that make the thin spots. And every once in a while, the leather rips right through the thin part. It's then the other dimension pours in. And breathes. And lusts. Right here in Crouch End.]() What a shit script that truly was. And it doesn't make any sense. Where's Stroud Green or Londis in this diagram? ![lustg](/pics/lust.jpg)
  • edited 6:02AM
    Is that a quote from Stephen King's celebrated horror story about Crouch End / Parkland Walk? (Really)

    Anyone know where to find a copy?
  • edited 6:02AM
    David, that is spectacular. I thought the world was just a great big onion.
  • edited 6:02AM
    yeah the world is a great big onion, but it makes it easier to understand if you think of it as a leather football
  • edited 6:02AM
    your love is like a great big onion
  • AliAli
    edited 6:02AM
    Thought it was Ruth Rendell who did the Parkland Walk Ghost story ?
  • edited 6:02AM
    @Ali. Could be. Worth finding out.
  • edited 6:02AM

    From Wikipedia:

    Along the walk just before the disused platforms at Crouch End, a man sized green spriggan sculpture by Marilyn Collins had been placed in one of the alcoves of the wall on the right at the footbridge before the former Crouch End station. This was thought to be a tribute to a ghostly 'goat-man' who haunted that particular area in the mid 1980s. Local children playing out in the evenings would 'dare' each other to walk the Parkland Walk from the Crouch End Hill bridge to the Crouch Hill bridge in the darkness. The sculpture, and Parkland Walk generally, provided the inspiration for Stephen King's short story "Crouch End".

    Well worth reading <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkland_Walk">Wikipedia on Parkland Walk</a>
  • edited May 2009
    Perhaps King's book _(was there one or were these written for that series specifically?)_ was better but I somehow doubt it. I fail completely to see any traces of that inspiration in a weak, bland attempt at horror by numbers. The CGI was woeful. There was no Goat Man. Wasn't filmed in Crouch End, the Parkland Walk didn't feature. Just a crap looking serpent thing, a smattering of cheeky chimney sweep ghosts and a rather odd ending where the ever annoying Claire Forlani's screen husband who'd disappeared turns up as a cat in the local Post Office.
  • edited 6:02AM
    Just noticed it's not clear whether Claire Forlani is annoying or her screen husband is. To clarify, they both were.
  • edited 6:02AM
    I just found out more about my neighbour's random attack.

    It was 3am. He was on SGR just passing the corner with Perth Road. He was carrying a guitar and wearing a backpack. Two white guys passed him. Next thing he knows he wakes up in hospital with a stab wound in his shoulder and another in the small of his back.

    Nothing taken.
  • edited 6:02AM
    The Nightmares & Dreamscapes TV series was adapted from stories mostly/all (I didn't watch any others so not entirely sure) taken from the Stephen King anthology of the same name. And while the TV version of 'Crouch End' was indeed risible, the original story is genuinely chilling - and I'm not usually much of a King fan. Really gets the feel of Crouch End on an overcast evening, and then turns it up to 11. Filming an adaptation in Australia was never going to go well...
  • edited 6:02AM
    Is he ok now Krappy?
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