James McAvoy

edited July 2009 in Local discussion
Finally spotted him.... thursday evening, about 6.45, in Finsbury Park station. I knew he lived in Stroud Green but never seen him. He looked good. :)


  • edited 1:48AM
    Strangely attractive like Julian Barratt its called "they shouldn't be but they are!"
  • edited 1:48AM
    haha yeah!
  • edited 1:48AM
    How does Noel Fielding fare in those stakes?
  • edited 1:48AM
    I've seen him a few events and the girls I was with said he looks half woman, half peacock! I guess it's a case of whatever floats your boat.
  • edited July 2009
  • edited 1:48AM
    He has several on here now.
  • edited 1:48AM
  • edited 1:48AM
    McAvoy has got to be the most famous local resident now? With Pegg decamped to LA, Aiden Gillan off to Ireland and Douglas Alexander not getting much press I think it's McAvoy's to lose.
  • edited 1:48AM
    this is depressing, i'm not reading the mcavoy threads anymore.
  • edited July 2009
  • edited 1:48AM
    Ian Hart?
  • edited 1:48AM
    I wouldn't recognise James McAvoy if he was sitting in front of me. I'd only know he was James McAvoy because he'd be talking about himself. Yeah?
  • edited 1:48AM
    is it him starting all these threads?
  • edited July 2009
    I don't think I've ever seen a McAvoy film, but for some reason don't get the impression he's a bell end. I'd say such a Heat style accusation requires qualification at least.
  • edited 1:48AM
    Oddly enough, guys, I popped into the Noble for an hour last night and it was amazing, nobody seemed to know who I was. Coool. This is such a neighbourhood. I was the one in the shades. What's a bell end?
  • edited July 2009
  • edited July 2009
    <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0564215/>; Of his work, I've seen Last King of Scotland, which I liked. It's a bit like when Russell Crowe was asked what he thought of Ricky Ponting. They were fishing for him to say something rude about him and Crowe said something like "You can't argue with his record and I don't know him as a man". Seems like the only line to take with celebrity really. And if that, above, is really James McAvoy (and not, say, tosscat) I'll eat my hat.
  • edited July 2009
  • edited 1:48AM
    I still think of him largely as Mr Tumnus, in part because just after seeing The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe I saw McAvoy in FP station, also carrying a stack of christmas presents.

    Although, he was in State of Play (the TV version), which gets anybody some credit.
  • LizLiz
    edited July 2009
    I rather randomly shared a cab with him from Milton Keynes to London (Virgin Trains breakdown...), just after he had been in State of Play. Nice bloke.
  • edited 1:48AM
    God Injoke, think of something new to say!
  • edited 1:48AM
    That film with Angelina is shite - all of the rubbish aspects of Nightwatch and none of the charm.
  • edited 1:48AM
    It sounded like such a travesty of the comic that, in spite of my fondness for watching Angelina Jolie shoot stuff, I still couldn't be bothered to watch the thing.
  • edited 1:48AM
    Wow! Liz I am so jealous...
  • edited 1:48AM
    @andy: I'd argue with crowe on that one. Punter has made some shocking captaining decisions recently and his record is about to go down the pan. Crowe is a monosyllabic moron; well boring on the TMS interview.
  • edited July 2009
    i think all this hoo-ha around ponting will dry up very quickly if they win at edgbaston.

    lords was a very important toss to win - we had by far the best of the pitch and the weather on the first day, the aussies had to bat under cloud and high humidity day two and they got at least 4 dodgy top order decisions. the match was essentially won in those first two days. if the aussies bat first on a belter at edgbaston we could easily be struggling to save the game again - possibly with a very shaky 3 and 4 (bopara and bell/key). the aussies bowling can only improve, and shaun marsh should be opening instead of hughes.
  • edited 1:48AM
    i'm not sure marsh is even in the squad though and it seems weird. he was opening regularly a year or so ago and he plays late, straight and very orthodox - ideal for english conditions i reckon.
  • edited 1:48AM
    I don't know. Nothing in his career has endeared to me to Russell Crowe as much as doing a TMS interview.
  • edited 1:48AM
    What's all this got to do with me?
  • edited 1:48AM
    Even if you can dodge bullets McAvoy, Crowe would beat you with a telephone.
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