Crouch End ghouls

edited October 2006 in Local discussion
OK, I think this is bound to be absolutely crap but the new Five digital channel US is showing [Stephen King's Nightmares & Dreamscapes]( First episode looks awful, but i've seen trailers for a future episode called [Crouch End]( - second one down, episode guide. _"A newly wed couple honeymooning in London goes to Crouch End to have dinner with a friend. They soon learn the town is not what it appears to be, and the more they get lost, the more they become trapped in another dimension."_ Have we ever been so Buffytastically cool?


  • edited 11:51AM
    this is so coooool! A buffy type soap in crouch end! I need to get this acting course finished! Who knew I'd be able to work so close to home!
  • edited 11:51AM
    More it be more believeable that Crouch End could be on top of the gates of hell...
  • edited 11:51AM
    Pete, are you posting drunk again? In what world in Crouch End a town?
  • edited 11:51AM
    er.... when its written by an American?
  • edited October 2006
    This is great. Will Andy ever be able to suspend his belief that Crouch End isn't an actual Town, while still soundly appreciating [_"they were all super-fast developers"_](
  • edited 11:51AM
    "newly wed couple honeymooning in London goes to Crouch End"

    This is the oddest part. Not exactly a typical honeymooning spot.
  • edited October 2006
    They're honeymooning in _London_. It's perfectly reasonable to head into the northen vampire region to see a friend after a few days.
  • edited October 2006
    Of course. How silly of me. Its practically tradition, isn't it.
  • edited October 2006
    We watched this last night. Abismal. They had some early shots in the middle of town, red pillar boxes, black cabs and a westend hotel (think the outside shot was Claridges). Then they go to get a taxi, asking for Crouch End and the driver goes "oooo, Crouch End? you don't want to go there, its not for tourists". So they get the next taxi and the guy explains that Crouch End was built on a Druid sacred sacrificial spot, which causes ruptures in our dimension into the nasty persons dimension. Suddenly we're at Crouch End and it looks rather like Mysteria Lane and not at all English by any stretch of the imagination. They wander around getting lost, the guy goes a bit nuts, runs off, and she runs into the police station. The police station have a pet cat the same name as the guy who run off. Cue strange music and a suggestion that the guy is now trapped as a cat in Crouch End. I've put more thought into scratching my elbow. The only reason we made the end was the chuckle value of the occasional mockney going "ooo, you don't want to go to Crouch End".
  • edited 11:51AM
    We saw this too. It was terrible. I was also struck by how quickly Claire Forlani seems to have aged. And that cabbie, talking about Crouch End like it was just another part of The Knowledge. "How do you get from Blackstock Road to the gates of hell without getting stuck on the Archway Road?"
  • edited 11:51AM
    Clare Forlani was really annoying. The guy was even worse. I think Crouch End wasn't evil enough. I really wanted them to both die really painfully. And what was with the random Oliver Twist type kids and then a multi-headed serpent popping up at the end for no good reason eating him, but then apparently regurgitating him as a cat? What?
  • edited October 2006
    Isn't it amazing how London looks NOTHING like Southern California?
    (did not watch)

    "I'm working on a biography of Benjamin Franklin. He's a fascinating man. He discovered electricity, and used it to torture small animals and mountain men. And that KEY he tied to the end of a KITE..... IT OPENED THE GATES OF HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited 11:51AM
    The CE episode is on again on Five US tomorrow night - there's a double bill and it's the second one.
  • edited 11:51AM
    I think I'll try and watch it again, see if I can make the link between the serpent and him then being the resident police station cat.
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