
edited June 2009 in Reviews
Tried out the new kebab restaurant opposite The Old Dairy this evening (noticed it was open again at the weekend).

I have to say ... what a surprise. The guys in there are very friendly and welcoming ... they gave me free samples of their lamb and chicken kebabs and they were delicious!

Apparently it's all homemade on site - and you can taste the difference.

Makes a nice change from Porchetta or Cats :)


  • edited 7:44PM
    Sounds interesting... but what about the décor?
  • edited 7:44PM
    It's been a long time since a thread on kebabs....

    I'd back that up. Had a lamb doner wrap - it was lovely. Staff as Simon says were very friendly.
  • edited 7:44PM
    Has anyone been wondering what flavour the new Pot Noodle kebab flavour actually is? Tastify.
  • edited 7:44PM
    on the pot noodle front my teenagers gave it 7 out of 10 its a slow burner and doesn't make you quite as sick as quickly as other pot noodles and believe me they are experts on cheap bad food front.
  • edited 7:44PM
    Decor-wise ... front of house is a standard fare, but clean and shiny new.

    At the back they've decorated a fair bit and added tables and chairs. You can tell they've worked hard to get this place open ... and it's nice to see that their focus is on food quality.
  • edited 7:44PM
    interesting a vegetarian...and came out of kebabalcious...stuffed! :) delicious falafels with homemade houmous...chips that aint disappointing...and a greek salad that tasted really fresh, full of flavour for a simple salad!! must be tried...highly recommended!! p.s for all you non-vegetarians...the place was packed so i assuming their kebabs cant be that bad either! (",)
  • edited 7:44PM
    Visited Kebabalicious last night for a post-pub doner & chips.

    Really friendly in there and the food is great. I told them nice things were being said about them here. They deserve our support and I hope things go well for them.

    Now programmed into my post-pub autopilot.
  • FinFin
    edited June 2009
    Tried it at the weekend. Very friendly and the food is indeed great, other than the sauces!

    Excellent quality meat and nice fresh salad, horribly let down by cheap, squeezy-bottle sauces. Hopefully an easy fix for them, or maybe I just caught them low on supplies as can happen with a new business.

    Overall I'll certainly go back, and I'll certainly comment on the sauces.
  • edited 7:44PM
    Kebabalicious meets or exceeds the underscore_cue standard! Had a lamb shish and the meat was much nicer than Black Sea BBQ....

    Also the subject of the sauces came up in coversation with the owners, and apparantly they are made personally in the shop - he says the squeezy bottles are there to make pouring and refridgerating easier...
  • edited 7:44PM
    I tried the large lamb shish last night for the first time, and it got the b seal of approval. Top nosh.

    I must admit I wasn't sure about my chilli sauce though. It looked a bit smooth and perfect to be home made.
  • edited 7:44PM
    I went for a kebab with my wife the other night and she got garlic sauce and I chilli. When we got home I finished mine quick sharp; too drunk to notice that it was garlic. She hates chilli. So I then ate the chilli one too. Perfect.
  • RegReg
    edited 7:44PM
    Five stars for this place. Really good place run by proper North London Greeks. Me and the live-in-lady got two mixed shish and while we waited for it all to be cooked (on charcoal) the owner, Steven, sat us down and gave us a small plate of doner meat to try. Now, I usually avoid doner like the plague that it often is but the boys at Kebabalicious make it themselves out of the same cuts they make the shish out of. Meat was top quality but I see why previous posters had concerns about the source of the sauce - but I loved it. Will be making some regular visits I fear (especially as you can bring your own without paying corkage).
  • edited 7:44PM
    Went past on Sunday and it was shut? I don't understand the concept of a kebab place that is shut. I mean, you never know when the kebab urge will strike. Kebab places need to be open 24/7/365. Xmas Day and everything.
  • edited 7:44PM
    I get the impression that there probably isn't anyone left to convince, but I thought I would add my thoughts after my first visit last night. I wouldn't usually dream of eating donner meat but after a sample I was convinced and had a delicious chicken donner with lovely fresh salad for the bargain price of £3.90. The owner was lovely too. I wasn't keen on the chilli sauce, far too sweet for my tastes but the garlic was perfect. It's also on my route home from the Noble, so full marks for location, taste and friendliness. I was too drunk to recall the decor.
  • edited 7:44PM
    I got free dips and baklava. The food was delicious and the staff super-friendly. And I'm not just saying that because I got free dips and baklava.
  • edited 7:44PM
    I feel that its time to resurrect this strand. Three visits to Kebabalicious so far: Visit 1: great service from the new owner. Amazing salesman. Lovely food, beautifully cooked. Doner kebab tasted odd - like Sunday roast lamb - not my taste but I know other people loved it. Visit 2: strange service. Lots of people in there working. The owner was busy chatting up two 14 year-olds in the back so left it to his workers, who seriously overcooked the kebabs. Horrible. A few months later... Visit 3: one little old man working there. Lots of very odd things about the service and how they served things up (no pitta with the kebab?). The posh "Sunday roast" lamb doner has been replaced by the usual cheap plastic meat (much nicer). How can things go so quickly wrong for new business?
  • edited 7:44PM
    2 visits. Bloody awful both times. The second visit was purely for doubt-benefit purposes.
  • edited 7:44PM
    1 visit back in June after reading the rave reviews on here. There will not be a second visit.

    I'll schlep over to Crystal on Holloway Road when I next need a kebab.
  • RegReg
    edited 7:44PM
    I have heard that the lads that opened this have moved on. Under new management. Hence the decline in standard I guess. Shame.
  • edited 7:44PM
    I liked the "Sunday Roast" lamb but saw they now have a spinning elephant's foot so it's a no-go for me.
  • RegReg
    edited 7:44PM
    I heard that the raw doner meat, the "spinning elephant's foot", costs the kebab shop owners only £20. Can only imagine whats in it. I always stick with shish (skewers).
  • edited 7:44PM
    The sunday roast-style lamb was great. We were in there at the start of September and the guy was raving about how much better it was, how they were committed to good kebabs etc. It cost £70 I think he said, as opposed to £35 for an elephant foot.

    Next time I went in they'd swapped it for elephant foot. I asked the guy behind the counter about it and he maintained they were trying out the elephant to see which one people preferred.

    I pointed out they'd just lost their unique selling point.

    Shame, as for the brief time that it lasted it was great to have good kebabs. Albeit, their elephant foot is better than most.
  • agree the 'roast lamb' kebab was much better than the elephants leg. shame theres not enough demand
  • edited 7:44PM
    Roast lamb kebab is back.

    Went into Kebabalicious on Friday and the elephant foot had been replaced with roast lamb.

    A lot healtheir and less greasy than a typical elephant foot doner, and very tasty. Great kebab.
  • edited 7:44PM
    Had a (large) chicken doner at kebabalicious on thursday. Really good kebab and very tasty, although not quite as healthy-feeling as their roast-lamb one. Still highly recommended and a huge amount of food for £5 (and yes, I ate every last morsel).
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  • edited July 2010
    I also give a thumbs-up to the one Misscara mentions on Blackstock Rd. I don't often eat kebabs, but have on occassion wandered down from SG with a craving for the massive helpings. Chicken shish is great, veg always seems superfresh and the chap is always friendly enough. Their chips are also decent. Seems to be football on all the time too.
    I want one now.
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