Los Guadales

edited May 2006 in Reviews
David, your review please?


  • edited May 2006
    I really enjoyed it. Not really for non-meat eaters though I think petra located a vegetable burrito. I did feel my heart fur up a bit while munching on a mixture of eggs, meat & deep fried plantain but while not quite [Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons](http://www.manoir.com), we were happy. Staff friendly too. And in the true suburban tradition of rating a restaurant by the amount of natives in there, a couple of Columbians reading the restaurant's Columbian newspaper in the corner. Oh and lots of Mambo being played, which beats Journey South anyday.
  • edited 2:12AM
    there are several veggie options. david just doesn't look beyond the meat section.

    i really enjoyed it and will go back.
  • edited 2:12AM
    Neither do I.
  • edited 2:12AM
    After 8 years in the area I finally went here last week. Really wholesome Colombian food, enough in their "typical" meal to feed an elephant.

  • edited 2:12AM
    is this place only only open when particular planets are in alignment?
  • edited 2:12AM
    It was open tonight, and it's always open and packed on a Sunday.
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  • IanIan
    edited 2:12AM
    That's a shame - I'd had it as a bit of a resolution to go to La Guadales as I believe in trying everything locally before passing comment. Not sure I will bother now. Petek's meat is very difficult to beat. You can knock what you like about the place but its meat is consistently good.
  • edited 2:12AM
    It changes hands all the time but the empañadas are always great.Does anyone know a Chilean restaurant ?
  • edited 2:12AM
    No, but in the spirit of Ian's comments I went to Dudley's on Sunday and so I can now happily comment. What a joyless shit hole, the food was dreadful, everything was drowned in cheap cheese, and the atmosphere was quite bizarre. It had been on my list of places to go (not very high on the list granted) and now it's off, thank god.
  • edited 2:12AM
    Oh, the staff were pleasant enough, if a little dopey. Not waiting staff of RC's calibre at any rate.
  • edited December 2009
    @Ian, I may be wrong but would wager the meat is specifically the thing Andy would knock about Petek. That review of Dudleys reads like a review for Pappagone. I think I might just restrict myself to stuffed paratha's from JK as everything else is just shit. No sight of a decent coffee or bacon roll. Christ, Mike Leigh can't even make a good film about the place. Anyone done the breakfast at Garufa's? I've an urge to initiate myself this weekend.
  • edited 2:12AM
    The same lady has been running things at los guadales every time we've been there over the last three years and she is always very friendly -- in fact I have always wanted to support the place because I figured she was the owner and she seems to make a real effort. I like its community/family feel -- there always seems to be a big group of all ages celebrating something when we've been. It's very straightforward food but my boyfriend has always been happy with the meat platters and I like that it has some latin american dishes you don't see often (arepas, sancocho) and a few interesting fish options including, I seem to remember, a fish stew that my dad loved when I took him there.
  • edited 2:12AM
    David, I want to try to the brekkers at Garufa as well. Have you been there for any other meal types? I would ask for the meat to be done a tad less that your normal request, if I were you, as they seem to be a bit overgenerous with the cooking.
  • edited December 2009
    @Kerry - I think she is the owner, wasn't she in [that article published in a Sunday supplement](http://www.stroudgreen.org/discussion/990/stroud-green-road-in-the-times-this-saturday-july-19/) a while back? For the record I'm a fan too for similar reasons to yourself. @tc - Never been to Garufa unfortunately. But yes, reviews seem to be that meat is well done and you have to dial it back a bit.
  • edited 2:12AM
    My pound of flesh at Garufa was cooked perfectly to order. When it was delivered. However, being served on a hot plate it continued to cook before my very eyes. I almost gave myself indigestion trying to eat it before it lost its deep red colour. I've heard good things about the Garufa breakfast. Ah, one day...
  • edited 2:12AM
    Garufa's steak is fantastic. It's not cheap (try not to think about how much a similar meal would cost in Argentina) but some of the best I've eaten in this country. Splash out and have the lomo - it's worth treating yourself too.
  • The Garufa steak is fantastic....have it with the morcilla (black pudding) and provencale chips - absolutely great.

    I've had the breakfast and it's very good - alternatively hold on a bit and on Sundays they do steak, salad and chips for about £16 so well worth it.

    Last night though I ate at St John in Archway and had a Ribeye with chips and salad for £17 that both my sister and I said was better than Garufa...and we are big fans.
  • edited 2:12AM
    I had the ribeye in stjohn the other day and is was lovely.
  • Err...stupid question. And I'm too lazy to look it up. But where is Garufa?

    St John is ace too. Especially for Sunday Lunch.
  • edited 2:12AM
    Top of Blackstock Road, near Au Lac, blink and you miss it, mind,
  • edited 2:12AM
    I think Los Guadales deserves a visit. I've enjoyed it on the occiasions I've been. You cannot compare with Peteks - Colombian food is not Turkish food. Apples and Oranges, innit?
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  • benben
    edited 2:12AM
    I think Petek is getting a bit sloppy. They bring the main courses out almost as soon as you get the starters, the portions of houmous are now tiny, and the overally quality of cooking and ingredients is slipping a little.
  • AliAli
    edited 2:12AM
    Petek's John was handing out Champers, a free sweet and a happy Christmas last week after the meal !
  • edited 2:12AM
    Too early in my mind!
  • edited 2:12AM
    This place is no more. We went last night only to find it closed with a lease forfeiture notice on the shutters. Shame. Ended up in Cats instead.
  • edited 2:12AM
    I saw it too and I am sorry.
    Only went there 2 or 3 times, and enjoyed the food and the service.
    Great to have different cuisines around.
  • edited 2:12AM
    i also went last night and saw the sad sign on the shutters,shame to see it go.so decided to go to the indian for a curry in mezbaan few doors away,but later regreted ever going in there,miserable staff,and the food looking boring and dull. shamefull.
    sorry but never again...

    what do you think?
  • edited 2:12AM
    Has anyone tried the Mauritian Fish restaurant? I'd curious but it appears to be 15-25 quid for a main, and it doesn't look that plush inside...

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