What is your favourite journey by bus or train from N4 and why?

What is your favourite journey by bus or train from N4 area and why?

I want to go on some bus and train journeys to explore London.

Crouch Hill station to Richmond, to walk by The Thames, is one journey that springs to mind.

Bus 210 to Hampstead Heath from Stroud Green Rd, bus stopping at Kenwood House,for walk on heath.

W3 bus to Ally Pally from Stroud Green Rd, then do the Parkland walk from ally pally ending at the Oxford Rd entrance to Parkland walk at Finsbury Park.

Bus numbers for Finsbury Park bus station to central London,best bus rides with most sights to see?

Easier now we can use Oyster card on overland trains from January.


  • edited 2:44AM
    Re your last question, Northern: I recommend the 4.

    A pleasant enough ride, most of the way, until you find yourself approaching St Paul's, and suddenly you are in heaven. Top deck front right is the de rigueur vantage point, one for which Sir Christopher might well have sold his eye teeth, assuming he had any, and that he knew which they were, because I certainly don't.

    He would almost certainly have given away ALL his teeth for the highly privileged rush hour time slot. While bankers and w*nkers are gnashing theirs, and impatiently studying their watches, you and I and Sir Chris are wide-eyed, as 2 sides of St P's inch their way through your field of vision. At dome height, too - can you imagine anything more breathmaking?

    Which reminds me: must ring dentist, in 2010.

    And PPS: end of the noughties. What are we going to call the next decade?
  • edited 2:44AM
    For my next treat, you must take the Piccadilly Line to Cockfosters (you all know the filthy, utterly hilarious rejoinder, to a fellow passenger asking you if this IS Cockfosters? 'No, it's my umbrella, and the name's Smith.' Boom boom. Who would have thought senior citizens could be so foul-minded?).

    After Arnos Grove, you are in the countryside. Rus in (sub)urbe. Trees, spinneys, meadows rush past, suddenly replacing back gardens and washing lines. If you wish to prolong the experience, jump on a 298 to Potter's Bar, from outside Umbrellasmiths Station. Soon you are in deepest Hertfordshire. I could almost swear to spotting a flock of sheep, but perhaps I'm confusing Herts with Beds (probably a joke to be had there too, if I lingered longer).

    10 minutes later, and you turn to your neighbour. 'Is this Potter's Bar?'

    You already know the answer...

    [Get him off!]
  • Thank you very much Checkski and thank you very much to anyone else who contributes to this thread.

    If you type "Stroud Green and Crouch End stations" into the search engine of this forum an old thread pops up for the trainspotters and parkland walk fans.It has photographs of Stroud Green station on the now parkland walk over Stapletonhall Rd.And steam trains.

    St Paul's Cathedral - you mention Checkski. I went to Tate Modern then walked across the wobbly bridge across the Thames,then into St Paul's Cathedral walking all the way to the very top of the building past the whispering gallery where there is a balcony there at the very top outside and you can see the scales of justice on the top of the Old Bailey from this high up viewpoint.As I stood on Hampstead Heath at parliament hill I looked down on St Paul's cathedral standing alone,a stunning building.

    Why do you call yourself Checkski are you a Russian or a Cech?

    I called myself the northern heights because that is what I heard the series of hills on the parkland walk are called,I read that somewhere.

    If anyone wants to stick some parkland walk information or history on this thread please do.Why did Steven King the horror writer do a story about Crouch End?
  • edited December 2009
    Glad to hear there are other fans of St Paul's on SG.org, Northern. Any takers for Potters Bar? Perhaps not.

    Checkski is a flippant variation of my school nickname, which in turn was related to my surname. Nothing Slavonic about me or my life, although funnily enough I have got A Level Russian. I can't remember much, but let's see if


    gets a response from anyone. In case it doesn't:


  • edited 2:44AM
    You can do worse than the W5 from Haringey Sainsburys or from further north on Oakfield Road to Waterlow Park for lazy walks and coffee then on to Highgate Cemetery. Walk back through park up through Highgate Village, right into Southwood Lane all the way to Archway Road to join the Parkland Walk again and home to N4. We do this regularly when days are longer. Or you can do it in reverse and come home via W5. Love the W5. I also love the train from Haringay station into Old Street or Moorgate. Home to City of London in 15 mins.
  • edited 2:44AM
    There are also extensive suggestions for daytrips at [the other place](http://www.harringayonline.com/), though you may not strictly be local enough to qualify.
  • AliAli
    edited 2:44AM
    Could just walk this is from the Metro this morining http://www.tfl.gov.uk/gettingaround/walking/default.aspx
  • edited 2:44AM
    David is there not a Vanilla, Chocolate & Hazelnut* extension that will parse any portion of a string and create the link automatically? I feel it's time we allowed TC to retire to bed. He must be knackered with the amount of yawning he's done of late.

    * Mmm, Ariela's gelati! (Now available from Flask Walk, Hampstead.)
  • edited 2:44AM
    I wouldn't dream of writing an app that challenges the resident cat.
  • edited January 2010
    you don't need a bus or train for this stuff; here's our [sunday walk](http://www.walkjogrun.net/routes/current_route.cfm?rid=F59DA79C-E6D6-DE8A-0FAE1E8477CD6348). The view of London by Kenwood House is great. It makes the city look really small and compact, and frames it impossibly with trees. If you stop at the flask be nice to my mate Glyn who's running it now. The view of London from Mount View Road across the reservoir ain't bad either, good for cloudspotting. Oh for one of those enormous houses on MVR that overlook the reservoir and beyond.
  • edited 2:44AM
    Get the W3 towards Tottenham at about 4pm when the kids have just got out of school and listen to their music playing through their mobile phones. That's a right laugh.
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