Surely SGR/N4 is more exciting than this!

As all the posts on here recently have been of the most tedius nature, I just wandered if anyone has had anything exciting happen to them or wtnessed some awsomeness recently?

I was on the 19 from Angel Thursday last week, and the bus was attacked by Football fans
on Blackstock road.

They spat at the driver and kicked the Middle doors, and then the after being spat at the driver went apeshit and drove the bus
onto the pavement trying to run the crowd over, shouting FUCK YOU BLAADCLAAT!! it was tremendous. Then some coppers came over and it was all over.

It was reasonably hairy, but also slightly more exciting than recounting how many types of energy saving lightbulbs are available
in the world.

I love N4... I hate hippies...


  • edited 8:13PM
    I was on a 19 that night. 5 Algerian fans on the back of the bus playing their drums and singing, on their way to watch the African nations semi. And I thought the feral youths who play music on their phones were bad!

    Blackstock Road will be mayhem the day we play them in the World Cup.
  • edited 8:13PM
    The drunk old school punks were the highlight of last weekend for me.

    I haven't seen people so completely and utterly smashed for many a year. One of them bounced of various items of street furniture before leading his chums in a rousing chorus of something loud but completely incomprehensible outside Nandos. This attracted the attention of the ferals who were lurking outside the flats opposite. There was much heckling and a bit of amateur fisticuffs before the kids lost interest and the punks carried on their merry way.

    Quite a few people stopped to watch, it was most entertaining.

    When do we play Algeria? That's not one for the fainthearted.
  • 15th June...

    I might stay in and watch that one..

    Not that I'm a coward or owt'
  • oh, sorry its the 18th..

    Either way I'm staying in!
  • edited 8:13PM
    Oh bejaysus, that's my birthday weekend - might have to celebrate in the more rarefied climes of Crouch End.
  • edited 8:13PM
    During the 2002 World Cup, we were driving through Newington Green and the streets were filled with 2 large throngs of armed ethnic groups on opposite sides of the road taunting each other. The cops were in the middle trying to stop it from escalating.

    It was surreal driving through the middle of it all. You felt like it was going to kick off any minute (No pun intended).
  • edited 8:13PM
    I'm going to meet up with 'fozze' the night before and cause the most mischief in the whole world, i wish.
  • edited 8:13PM
    Crouch End Broadway is closed due to a burst water main and buses are being diverted via Ferme Park Road and Middle Lane.
  • edited 8:13PM
    Hmmm...Blackstock road. I was cycling home north along Blackstock Road 18th Nov 2009 (Algerian World cup qualifier) when I hit a load of traffic. As I got to the front there was a handful of policemen and women, stopping traffic from proceeding. Futher down the road near the shops and library, it had all gone a bit apeshit. I asked the copper what was going on. He said, "If you go down there you'll loose the bike. There's a mini riot going on. Don't do it." Near the library in stationary traffic was a bendy bus being vigourously slapped on all sides. I then I took off on another route but came back to the main junction to look from the other side. By that point someone had just dumped a rather large box of lit fireworks slap bang in the middle of the Blackstock / Seven Sisters junction.

    I later found <A href="">this clip on the bbc</a> from that night. Warning - turn the volume down!
  • On the 18th November when I saw it it seemed a lot more party atmosphere.

    There were lots of people but seemed to be happy, saw a couple of cars whizz past with about 20 people hanging out of and all over each.

    Seemed slighly more sinister the other thursday.
  • edited 8:13PM
    Which reminds me, 1 night on the 19 going to Islington and outside I saw a guy wielding a Meat Cleaver in a Butchers going for another guy.

    Luckily for the other bloke, there was a lot of people in between trying to stop the Cleaver dude. 1 way to settle a Beef I suppose ...
  • edited 8:13PM
    Excellent pun!
  • It's Back... Punch through the boring!

    Does anyone have a good story?

    I crashed my bicycle into a moped on Holloway road on Monday..

    Thats all I've got at the mo.. Thankfully I have no local issues to raise, or any outages to report... (although I do have problems with VirginMedia, I Hate Richard 'Smirking Prick' Branson)

    Surely someone must have see a UFO or witness a brutal murder recently..

    I LOVE N4
  • edited 8:13PM
    A fox had been at the bins on Mount View this morning and there were unsusual blue dog ends all over the path.
  • edited 8:13PM
    An enormous basement is being excavated under a property on Mount View Rd, pretty much opposite my gaff. One of the builders woke me up this morning by loudly calling one of his colleagues a ‘stinking ringpiece.’ It was funny enough that I didn’t mind being woken. They do keep breaking their 8:00AM start curfew though, they must be dead keen.
    Yes, I don’t usually get up until 7:55, what of it.
  • edited 8:13PM
    Is that the empty place? I didn't realise you were an Upper East Sider Arky.
  • edited February 2010
    Yup, opposite Albany Rd. Can I join your gang? Where are you on Mount View? I have one of the best views. Hope this works: ![MountView1extract.jpg]( View/MountView1extract.jpg) or ![MountView1.jpg]( View/MountView1.jpg) Yeah the empty place that they are renovating. Impressive job – they actually had one JCB *under the house* passing up soil to another JCB in front of the house, which then moved it into a skip. I’ve seen two lorry loads of concrete bags being moved down there, and several lorry loads of stone blocks. They’re installing a massive lightwell too. Arky
  • edited February 2010
    I can't get the fecking image to work, and the guidance isn't helping. Someone correct me. ... OK figured it out, but if only shows part of the image rather than resizing it... A
  • That's it... Keep em' coming..

    I overheard to 'Hoodies' talking about how amazing it is that there are so many species of Beetle in the world, on the 19 bus this morning.

    Not exciting I know, but not about planning permission, or hypocritical Eco Fighting...
  • edited 8:13PM
    I am so jealous of your view. I infinitely prefer cities to the countryside and I would love to wake up to see the City sparkling in the morning sunshine or even the drizzle

    If you guys live on the Upper East side I think that that makes where I live the West Village.
  • edited February 2010
    About half the time it's too hazy to see much, but on a clear day it's breathtaking - you can see the roof of St Paul's and even the Crystal Palace Transmitter. I'm new to photobucket, but I think you can access this link < View/&gt; where I have lots of view shots, some at night.
  • edited 8:13PM
    I'll have a proper look at those later, when I'm not just skiving at work! Thank you.
  • edited 8:13PM
    Being a girl, my head is full of butterflies and fluff and sparkly things and I'm bored with reading about planning applications, speed limits and local elections (yes,I know they are important). I haven't witnessed all that much awesomeness but surely someone must have something to declare?

    I'm extremely excited about the Grand National and my annual foray to the bookies tomorrow though. Cloudy Lane or Black Appalachi to win.
  • edited 8:13PM
    Had a bit of excitement two nights ago. Well I say excitement it was more strong irritation.

    So horrible shits playing music as loud as they can through a shite farting sound system at 12:30 in the AM.
    And it was just shitty Euro pop Pap.. Made my blood boil, and was looking for things to throw at their window from my flat. Luckily a couple of babies started to cry and I think someone closer by must have told them to shut the fuck up.

    It was anyone on here then thank you.

    If any of the Euro Pop loving twats are on here I will actually come over and burn your house down if you try that shit again.


    Oh and Eric's Charm for the National....
  • edited 8:13PM
    JFJ - are you my housemate? We've had all manner of shite music at stupid volumes since these guys have moved it about 8months back. Including a couple of nights back...

    The thing is our stereo system is much superior to theirs and capable of significantly a lot more base, only we have courtesy for our other neighbours and only really turn it up a notch when we know we won't annoy anyone (we don't care about the shit europop neighbours anymore, mind).

    Oh and my excitement was seeing a cross dressing bloke at FP station two days ago. A wardrobe reminiscent of Thatcher, apart from the side parting and the chunky glasses.
  • edited 8:13PM
    Did anyone see the very tall man in a bear costume raising money for kids in FP station a week or so back? Someone else was doing the same thing this morning, but she was less entertaining as she wasn't shouting really loudly in a very odd voice, like the geek with the Afro in the IT Crowd. A
  • edited 8:13PM
    Brilliant... I am defo not your housemate. But I sympathise no end.
    This is only the first time the music has happened and I don't want it again.
    If it is your neighbours I will pay you good money to stab their faces...

    Margaret Thatcher WAS a cross dressing bloke.... and she is just about to take power again, minus the dress (ooo Topical)
  • edited 8:13PM
    I've seen a tall penguin shaking a bucket for Great Ormond Street today, was it her?

    Also I thought that there was someone quacking at top volume outside the tube but was disappointed to realise that it was some bloke shouting 'The Sun' very fast.
    Not sure if he was selling the paper or greeting the glorious day.
  • edited 8:13PM
    @miss annie That may well have been the one, yeah. Her predecessor must have been 6'5'' even before he put on the platforms and the bear costume. There was also a guy... on Tuesday I think... calling out "Big Issue! Big Issue!" from outside the Wells Terrace entrance. However, his ability to sell was somewhat compromised by his choosing to lay face down on the pavement. There were a couple of coppers there and it looked like he was protesting against being moved on. One of those cases where you don't know whether to be amused or distressed. A
  • edited 8:13PM
    @arkady that man was there when i went to work at 8.30am, and when i came back at 9pm. that green tiger suit must have smelt something awful. the woman in the tunnel today though, what on earth was she dressed as? it was kind of a large yellow warlock princess arrangement. i'm sure most of the people raising money in that tunnel are all from the outrageous UCKG anyway. if you look closely you can often see their symbols on the buckets. so i bet no kids get a penny from them, it just goes towards buying another listed building and turning it into a creepy church.
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