Graffiti on shop shutters on Jack's off licence shop in Stroud G Rd

Who thinks that the graffiti which entirely covers the shop shutters which can be seen when Jack's off licence shop in Stroud Green Rd is closed at the junction of Albert Rd should be cleaned off by Haringey council on the basis that it is an eyesore.This graffiti isn't nice to look at it just looks a mess and it advertises cobra beer or something probably done with permission of shop owner then in years gone by. I'm sure the Haringey council would clean it off if the owner of the shop asked them to it is detrimental to the area and dowgrades the area. If it was something nice by sub dds or panik atg or king robbo wrh crew or DX then no complaints,but it isn't it just looks a bit cr-p and faded by the elements and a bit toys r us.


  • edited 1:07AM
    It's his shop. It's up to him.

    So, in summary, no.
  • edited 1:07AM
    The guy who did it is a very short white rasta with dreadlocks, crap artist and, by the way a rather unpleasant character. Used to drink at the Fullback, got bared and havn't seen him in some time.
  • edited 1:07AM
    You lot make me sick.

    You lot make me want to projectile vomit carrots into the smug faces of the bourgeouiszee of stroud green who all really want to live in crouch end or muswell hill but its cheaper in stroud green; and I haven't even eaten any carrots for ages,you always seem to puke up carrots even when you haven't eaten them 4 a long time for some reason,anyone know why? Back to the serious point.

    It is out of order to single out individual businesses like you are doing here. Because they have a right to privacy.Leave shops alone.
    Maybe you would realise that you are in private as badly-painted as they appear to be if you didnt spend so long in 9 to 5 conformity

    If you care about shops then phone up the shopkeeper and have a chat about it to explain your concerns,like that halfwit who complained about graffiti,graffiti disappointed me a few times and I look the other way now, so what.But you won't because you just want to point and mock like kids going to bedlam to laugh at those who are maybe less artistically talented than yourselves shut up in a lunatic asylum or victorian freak show.

    You can't be eccentric in England these days without dullard mrs mopp civil servants talking about you on a local community internet forum. I prefer graffiti to brushed steel and generally walking around muttering to myself,is this so wrong? I find it theraputic.

    So ram me off the pavement with your yummy mummy £1000 buggies and try and run me down with your four by four volvo gas guzzlers and mock the colourfull eccentric shops of SG but we will not surrender to your conformity we are not crouch end or muswell hill where the less than perfect artworks are hosepiped off the shutters by the middle classes chattering classes disapproval we are struoud green where the mad the bad and Dr Legg from Eastenders circa 1985 live and travel on the w7. Dr Legg is my heroe actually...
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  • edited December 2017
  • I think I recalll'Jack' told me they had paid someone to have it done deliberately to deter even worse random graffiti getting sprayed on. Which it probably would. So raise a glass to Jack's for a solution, IMHO.

    It does make me feel those carroty bits come up whe nI see it, true.
  • edited 1:07AM
    I think the rasta with the dreadlocks also did work on the extension at the back of the Fullback.

    @ADGS : I'm holding you partially responsible if we start seeing copycat rants springing up everywhere
  • edited 1:07AM
    @adgs - don't spoil the mood!
  • AliAli
    edited 1:07AM
    I have chased off Mr rasta with the dreadlocks man from spraying walls with rubbish graffiti just across from WLM . He was a bit unhappy about this and was a bit rude although I think he had just fallen out of the said WLM.
  • edited 1:07AM
    Quite a lot of adverse comment about this rasta guy, so I'm not sure if he's the same one as is often seen around the Fullback doing odd-jobs. I always thought he seemed quite pleasant and friendly - says he goes by the name of "the dread".
  • edited 1:07AM
    Don't they all?
  • edited 1:07AM
    'they?' !!!!!
  • edited February 2010
    ADGS - smart move, one of the best posts since I joined! You've made The Northern Heights go all quiet and shy.

    White Rasta Man did spend a weekend about 10 years ago 'decorating' Jack's shutters. We assumed that he'd come back the next weekend to finish it. But, no.

    White Rasta Man has also been at least partially responsible for the construction of the Ewok Village at FF. A cheeky mid week afternoon pint early last summer was spoiled somewhat by his drilling and banging. I love the Ewok Village tho'!

    It took me about a year to work out that Jack is twins. I walked in and he was standing behind the til wearing a red turban. I reached into the fridge for some cans, turned around and he'd transported to the back of the shop and changed his turban to purple or something. I don't think I've seen the pair of them together again since.
  • edited 1:07AM
    The Ewok Village is pretty cool, which does leave me in the odd position of admiring some work by a white rasta (the breed to which I referred with my previous 'they'). Normally I just want to play them Black Box Recorder's impossibly posh cover of Uptown Top Ranking at ever increasing volumes until their head implodes.
  • edited 1:07AM
    I love Jacks. The only off licence on the road that always has Kopperberg Pear Cider (the finest pear cider in the world - the Bulmers and Magners versions don't even taste of pears) in stock.
  • edited 1:07AM
    It also has the best window display on SGR - real old school window dressing. Anyone know if they sell Tequila Rose?
  • edited 1:07AM
    Kopperberg Pear Cider can be bought in Ikea....

    ...though there is something very wrong with your life when you find yourself doing your food shopping in Ikea.
  • edited 1:07AM
    Kopperberg Pear Cider is available in many places, but not on SGR. I did once buy some KPC in Ikea. Got home to discover that I had bought the non alcoholic version. Easily done. Be careful out there.
  • edited 1:07AM
    Hate the stuff, tastes of piss.
  • edited 1:07AM
    I love the guy who works in Jacks.
  • edited February 2010
    @ Charlieboy - and you know whats piss tastes of how?...
  • edited 1:07AM
    As a rule, anyone who's been drinking cider will the next day produce piss that smells (and thus presumably tastes) of the same cider.
  • AliAli
    edited 1:07AM
    Estonian beer is a bit like that
  • edited 1:07AM
    Lies. Had a lovely Estonian beer last year in the Baltic.
  • AliAli
    edited 1:07AM
    I think I experienced what ADGS is says above. I remember this from drinking on the Catamaran Service between Helsinki and Tallin so it might have been Finnish beer.
  • edited 1:07AM
    Sugar Puffs do that too.
  • edited 1:07AM
    what about asparagus piss?
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 1:07AM
    Asparawee is well documented and subject of much debate/research.
  • edited 1:07AM
    not on this forum
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