Surely SGR/N4 is more exciting than this!



  • edited 6:50PM
    Thanks for the UKCG head's up Sophie, as I sometimes do lob any loose change in those buckets to assuage my tattered conscience. I think the bear and the warlock were working for Cancer Research but maybe mistaken. He was pretty weird though right? A
  • edited 6:50PM
    She said it was for Great Ormond Street Cancer Ward I think. So hope it wasn't UKCG
  • edited 6:50PM
    I think it's unfair to suggest UCKG do nothing for children - as I recall they were among the churches frequented by Victoria Climbie's aunt and which put her in a frame of mind to starve and beat the devil out of the girl. OK, if she'd wanted to go for full spectrum abuse then the Catholics might have been able to help, but that was still a sterling effort.
  • edited 6:50PM
    Nigel Planer smiled at me at a bus stop just off the throng of the South Bank this afternoon.
  • IanIan
    edited 6:50PM
    I once had a long chat with Nigel Planer at a party. Nice bloke, although he did try to convince me that We Will Rock You was a good show. He may have been biased what with being in it and everything. We then discussed rights of fathers for a good long time, a subject on which he was quite interesting.
  • benben
    edited 6:50PM
    UCKG had a big, big presence outside the Seven Sisters Rd Tescos around Christmas - lots of bucket shaking and carol singing. It made me feel very uncomfortable, as 'Universal Church of the Kingdom of God' was written in very small letters on their garb, and I felt that they were exploiting the fact that most people wouldn't realise that they are an evangelical church. As a kind of test, I asked one of the bucket shakers who UCKG were, and he was distinctly evasive in his response, so I said 'are you the people who run the church down the road?' He said yes, but that the money went towards their charity arm (help desk?) rather than the church itself. I phoned the organisation direct to ask the same questions, and was given the same answers. I explained my misgivings, and didn't feel very reassured. They do seem to have a charitable wing and a community arm, but they are also an evangelical church, and I don't know how that works in practice. My real concern is that they are wilfully misleading people about who they are, and are exploiting seasonal goodwill, but perhaps I am being a bit precious about it.
  • edited 6:50PM
    ben, what research! i tend to just avoid all shakies unless there is a specific announcement about who they are collecting for, like they do at holborn station. the ones in the tunnel often just say something like "money for the ill children", which is too vague for me, even if they're not associated with the UCKG. they are absolutely loaded and must get so much money for the charitable arm from their members, who are under huge pressure to donate. so i don't feel guilty about not giving them anything. i think that cancer research UK fundraisers have to wear very big obvious logos saying CRUK or the diamond pattern thing. i work for them and they are incredibly hot on it, but i don't know what the rules are if someone just takes it upon themselves to independently raise money for them. re: the green tiger, i did wonder if he was high. he looked very manic. not sure about the warlock, i didn't look closely at her bucket as i was too distracted by her outfit.
  • edited 6:50PM
    i don't think my comments really fit with the title of this thread. so in other news, the ducklings are hatching in the park!
  • edited 6:50PM
    Someone wearing something very red this morning at the Wells Terrace entrance. It seems there's someone there every day now.
  • edited April 2010
    MOre noise this morning.
    Bad mood today.

    I am actually going to kill the C*nts.

    If anyone lives on Tollington park Hornsey Road end, or on Bimam road and you're having the same problem then let me know as I will be more than happy to form a lynch mob.

    I HATE N4
  • edited 6:50PM
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  • edited April 2010
    We should be on the Wildlife in SG thread for this really but here goes..
    I have a nesting pair of woodpeckers in the garden and a charm of goldfinches have taken up residence in the big tree next door. They are all regulars at my bird feeders along with blue tits and the other usual suspects. I love Spring!
  • I love spring, too. So glad it's finally here! Seems an age since I last had the air rifle out. Where are these ducklings again?
  • edited 6:50PM
    I really like the new man who does tap dancing at the tube station, just where the buses disgorge their passengers. I feel bad that I haven't given him any money yet though. I will. In wildlife-related news, I have taught a squirrel in my garden to eat hazelnuts out of my hands. I had cracked the nuts for it already, but I have since learnt that they like to do it themselves.
  • edited 6:50PM
    @Philistine, perhaps you could sort JFJ's noisy neighbours out!
  • edited 6:50PM
    Some new saplings have been planted on UTP on the way to Nando's.
  • edited 6:50PM
    Oh yes please do shoot my neighbours...

    I have been falling asleep at my desk today because of those tasteless, selfish twat-faces.

    Oh and Yeah, WOO Spring is here!!!
  • edited 6:50PM
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  • edited 6:50PM
    It’s a tricky one with sex noises though. Other untimely or overloud noises at inappropriate hours really wind me up, and I’ve been known to go to some extremes to discourage people from trampling on my legitimate peace and quiet. But I would feel rather churlish if I whinged about somebody getting their rocks off, as long as they didn’t get a gong to announce their orgasm like the fellahs in Scrubs. Misscara, is there a particular time of night when it would be acceptable for your neighbour to be having a root, or are you complaining about the extreme volume of the jungle noises regardless of their timing? A
  • edited 6:50PM
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  • edited 6:50PM
    Bloody hell. Is it possible he’s hosting a swingers party?
  • edited April 2010
    I do Live on the Islington side, and am all ready to complain.

    The sex noise one is tricky, whilst it has a hilarious novelty at first, I imagine it gets quite Grinding (Ahem) after a while.

    I really loved it here when I first moved in. It was quiet,apart from a dog barking once or twice, and my upstairs neighbour occasionally snoring like a boar.

    The only disturbance would be the birdsong in the morning which, even a miserable twat like me couldn't help but enjoy.

    now it is Shite student inconsiderate blastings at stupid o'clock.
  • Jungle. If these heinous rapists are keeping you awake you have a choice. 

    1: Ring the police/council noise department (whatever the fuck it's called).

    2: Take a gallon of Domestos round and whiten their flat. Then pull their teeth out with pliers. (I will help you with this.)

    As for sex noises, are you sure it isn't pigeons? They sound a bit rude.
  • edited 6:50PM
    I went looking for the ducklings in the park last night but they must have been on the island.

    However I did see a pair of unusual geese on the bowling green. They were aggressive and chased off a pair of the nice orange-footed geese and a squirrel. Has anyone else seen these unusual geese? They are a distinctive orangey-brown colour with a black or white collar. I have looked on the web but can't find any pictures that match.
  • edited 6:50PM
    @ Philistine - I'll take option 2 please
  • edited 6:50PM
    @JFJ - did you get any sleep last night?
  • edited 6:50PM
    @Jenowl - was it a pair of Egyptian geese?

    I know they frequent the park, dunno how aggressive they are, but being geese I imagine they are pretty aggressive.
    I like geese.
  • edited 6:50PM

    Yeah I did, but that was because I was at my girlfriends place on upper tollington...

    I'll find out if they are still partying tonight.
  • edited 6:50PM
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  • edited 6:50PM
    @JFJ and Misscara

    Thank you, yes they are Egyptian Geese. I don't know why but it is a relief to know what they are.

    Here is a pic:
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