Stroud Green Border

edited January 2007 in Local discussion
Hi guys - new to the site although I've been lurking around for a while.

Where does Stroud Green begin and end? Are there a set of agreed borders or is it a bit blurry?


  • edited 5:18AM
    Hi Simon. The line is very blurry. I think it's a ward in Haringey, but it's also (increasingly) used as 'anywhere near stroud green road'.
  • edited 5:18AM
    My criteria is much more simple
    "It's where my brother lives"
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:18AM
    It's a hot topic. My strand on asking cabbies is also related to this (but it's so long since I've posted that I've forgotten how to do a link thingy). It's almost better defined by where it isn't. It is definitely not: Anywhere East of FP station Anywhere south of Hornsey Road Anywhere from Crouch Hill station west (though this is contentious...) Not sure where the northern border is - maybe the railway line?
  • edited January 2007
    i'm gonna shade/mark the area on the directory map. I'll start with the above, using the railway line as the northen border, once on, we can tweak it until all are happy. Then we'll know for sure. It's like a modern day version of drawing dragons.
  • edited 5:18AM
    Might I suggest Mount View Road as the northern boarder? I'm not biased or anything but if we say Crouch Hill Station then I'm out of bounds! ... but only just ;)
  • edited January 2007
    I've never actually taken note of the Wards of Haringey before. Here's the Haringey Wards: ![ward]( Hard to tell but it heads up like towards Green Lane? Or does Ward data simply not apply for this?
  • edited 5:18AM
    ok, first stab at a basic rectangle on the directory. I've zoomed it out one, just for a better whole view. if we can agree on the four outer corners, we can add points going in and out as we go making up a stroudgreen polygon. I love polygons.
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:18AM
    If these are Harringey wards, then there's one immediate problem...the southern boundary is SGR itself, because everything south of there (i.e. where me, Lucy and Andy live) is in Islington. It also means there is no such area as Crouch Hill (which I'm pretty sure exists - you don't just go straight from Stroud Green to Crouch End). Hmmm. David, I think I am being really dense but I can't see the rectangle...
  • edited January 2007
    Ah yes, it wasn't working on Explorer, fixed now.
  • edited 5:18AM
    I now do not understand. The ward picture is surely a different shape to the directory.
  • edited January 2007
    Well the Ward, Pete, is the literal area of Stroud Green according to the Council. If we were strictly sticking to that then nothing on the West side of Stroud Green Road would be considered Stroud Green, which is a bit silly, not to mention discounting Arch Forum Lord Andy from living in the area. Also the Ward looks to stretch up to Green Lanes and I don't think anyone would consider that "stroud green" as in the local area. Its more about the community around the main high street. That's why were trying to define it outselves and Liz asks Taxi drivers wierd questions.
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:18AM
    I still can't see the it a mac thing?
  • edited 5:18AM
    I'm with whatever puts me in Stroud Green!
  • edited 5:18AM
    what browser on the mac Liz, i'll take a look? also refresh a few times, you might be looking at a cached version
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:18AM
    Top tip on the refreshing front - I can see it now. How did you do it? On second thoughts, perhaps I should just stick with amazed wonderment at your computer skills. I wonder about the south east tip - seems to go a bit too close to Holloway? But then Hornsey Road and Seven Sisters road seem like natural boundaries...
  • edited 5:18AM
    I missed this discussion but agree with the new shading on the map. My only suggestion would be that the border should probably follow the railway tracks and not spill over a little into the park or Harringay?

    As we're on the Holloway subject (^^^Liz^^^), I was perusing the Foxtons magazine that came through the door a couple of days ago and noticed they have an interesting area call 'Hillmarton' which is where Holloway is supposed to be...
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:18AM
    That'll be the Hillmarton conservation area then. Nice.
  • edited 5:18AM
    These things pass. Anyone remember Holborn being called "mid-town" two years or so back while they were selling loads of new office space?
  • edited 5:18AM
    ok so the east border is the railway line, and the west border is a bit too Hornsey? Shall i run the west border from the bottom up along Durham - Turle - Almington - Ormond - Highcroft so parallel to Hornsey but a bit closer to the SGR?
  • edited 5:18AM
    Ithink so. From Durham feels right. Claiming the junction of Hornsey + Seven Sisters as SGR feels like we are pushing the definition of *stroudgreensraum* a little too far
  • edited 5:18AM
    OK, so the East/West borders have been revised. How do we feel about the area now people?
  • edited 5:18AM
    Yep. Can't really argue with that.
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:18AM
    I like it. Entertainingly, my road is the one you cut off halfway down (Turle Road) which means that I am in SG but the people three houses down aren't. I guess that's the nature of borders. Also, the Midtown thing is still hanging about - that's what they're calling the new big shiny building on and over the Holborn one way system. When we see a non-jokey reference to Archway as 'Highgate slopes' we'll know that estate agents have really jumped the shark.
  • edited 5:18AM
    I was previously in agreement with having Hornsey Road as the west border but on reflection I notice in the A-Z that Hornsey Road is split between N19 (Upper Holloway) and N7 (Holloway proper). I think SG should remain N4 with a little bit of N19 thrown in. N7 definitely not SG.
  • edited 5:18AM
    Sorry forget my last comment. The directory wasn't working as google maps seemed to be down. If I'd taken the trouble to read above I could have seen you'd already done this.
  • edited 5:18AM
    'Highgate Slopes' ... I love it!
  • edited July 2007
    Is there any chance of re-instating the border?
    <fears the exclusionary fall of the axe>
  • edited 5:18AM
    I can't see the border either... sigh. Although am feeling entirely confident that Albert rd lies within it. My new N4 bag arrived today, and very nice it is too, but how about a new bag/tshirt with the map/border on it?
  • edited 5:18AM
    I'm all for border polygon reinstatement, too!
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