Surely SGR/N4 is more exciting than this!



  • edited 10:06PM
    Weirdest thread on the board, intermingling stories of sex noise and duckling sightings. For those of you who would have us moderate this site more aggressively, how should we split up/merge this thread without losing the magic?
  • edited 10:06PM
    I bet Arkady is stomping on his Trilby in anger right now..

    Please leave it be
  • edited 10:06PM
    Yes. The original post is an appeal for "exciting" and "awesome" stories from N4. It shouldn't matter whether these stories are about sex, ducks or rock 'n' roll. They're all relevant.
  • edited 10:06PM
    I have a profound hatred for goose hippies though. Mwah.
  • edited 10:06PM
    @JFJ I live in that same vague area. Don't hear anything late at night, but then I do tend to go in to a coma as soon as my head hits the pillow.
    It was a little odd the other night though, every time I went outside for a smoke I could hear the Star Wars theme coming from a few houses along, strange.
  • edited 10:06PM
    (Actually I don't. I'm probably one myself)
  • edited 10:06PM
    @andy This is clearly an all-purpose weirdness thread, and currently my favourite on the forum. What will concern me is if the stories about animals, vengeance and sex become combined in any way... unless it's a really imaginative solution to JFJ's problem. Maybe he can force his neighbour to shag a goose to death? A
  • edited 10:06PM
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  • edited 10:06PM
    @Arkady At FP station yesterday there was a man dressed as Superman (including fake muscles) and another man in a weird red costume which I couldn't work out collecting money for children. They were saying stuff like "won't somebody think of the children" and "every child is special" which I'm sure was well-meant but it did sound a bit creepy.
  • edited April 2010
    Yep, saw them too, tried to figure out who they were collecting for. The weird red guy (devil perhaps?) was there on Monday too. Their buckets said something about Painted Children. If it's this, then there's not much detail there..

    Edit - you can even rate the sick children they apparently helped 1 to 5, with 5 being best...
  • edited 10:06PM
    Not that I saw them, but might he have been continuing the superhero theme as Daredevil?
  • edited 10:06PM
    I think that bloke has been there a few times in the last couple of weeks - no info on what the charity is which concerns me so I don't give.
  • edited 10:06PM
    Just check their Authority badge, which should have a registered charity number. and they should also have a letter of permission to collect from the station manager/TFL/or the council.

    If they have none of these then you should expose them as Blaggards and perform some vigilante justice on their theiving asses... or just don't give them any money and make a complaint to someone.
  • edited 10:06PM
    Whoever mentioned teh Tap Dancing guy at the station, he is not new, he's been around for at least 6 or 7 years but his appearences are rather intermittent.

    As for the rutting noises, it's hard to begrudge someone that unless it really is very regular. A few weeks back I was woken by someone at it in a different building at the other end of our garden, they must have had all their windows open and certainly weren't shy.

    Continuing on the noise pollution theme, there used to be an annual party just north of the middle of Hanley Road. I think it was held in a car park with a huge soundsystem complete with MC playing reggae and dub etc, it used to go on all night. The last time I heard it I vowed to myself that the next year I would get up and join them rather than try to sleep. Anyone else know what I'm talking about? Annual big reggae soundsystem normally in August.
  • edited 10:06PM
    Plimsoll Rd have a street party every year. Good fun, i still go down every year to catch up with my old neighbours. Excellent way of fostering a bit of community spirit. One year they had an amazing Indian Martial arts demonstration involving swords - brilliant. Half the street ended up signining up for classes.
  • edited 10:06PM
    Does anyone object if I catch a few squirrels and release them on the Parkland Walk. I'm sick of them eating my tulips. I'm trying to do the right thing, but apparently the council objects to you lobbing them at passing buses.
  • edited 10:06PM
    the red devil man is the same as the green tiger man! i don't know why the station staff let them stand there, it really pisses me off. and tap dancing man sometimes gets on the piccadilly line, he always makes me smile with his world peace rhymes. a few years ago he used to look like he was totally on crack, but actually looks a bit healthier now. to be honest, the ducklings i saw were in clissold park. sorry. there must be some in finsbury park too though, but i'm now scared that the gulls have eaten them, that will probably give me nightmares for ever.
  • edited 10:06PM
    a couple of months ago there was a squirrel in my garden eating a caramel miniature heroes sweetie, he licked the wrapper clean. maybe if you leave some chocolates out they might be distracted away from your bulbs.
  • edited 10:06PM
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  • edited 10:06PM
    If you're carrying plastic shopping bags through the park in the summer, squirrels will come up to you and wait patiently to be fed some tidbit from Happening Bagel Bakery. It's slightly perturbing. They don't bother if you're not carrying bags.
  • edited 10:06PM
    The Egyptian geese have goslings! Six of them.
  • edited 10:06PM
    Hello All,

    I had to call the cops about a month ago on a Sunday night, as there was a bit of a ding-dong happening outside the house. The conversation went like this:

    Police controller: "Police Emergency"
    Me: " We need some urgent assisstance, we have a large scale disturbance in Finsbury Park Road."
    PC: "How many people are involved?"
    Me: " About 100!"
    PC: "Sorry, did you say 100?"
    Me: "Yes."
    PC: "Er, right. We are on our way"

    Fair play to the Met, they turned up in a large way after 5 mins or so, which for a Sunday night was very pleasing! (esp when the Helicopter swooped in very low!)

    Turned out it was the Kurdish festival in the park had gotten a little bit heated, and one chap was bottled.

    How's that for excitment?
  • edited 10:06PM
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  • edited 10:06PM
    @ Jenowl. Have you actually seen these goslings or is it all just hearsay and goosey gossip?
  • edited April 2010
    I saw a pair of 'somethings' swimming round the pond this morning. They look familiar but can't remember what they are. (Not ducks)

    <img src=""></img>
  • edited 10:06PM
    Misscara and Tallboy
    I saw them on Saturday and took some photos. I will upload them from my camera when I get chance. The adults were busy persuading and guiding the goslings across the water, from the north bank near the bowling green, to the island. We walked around the lake and they had made their way back across by the time we got back.
  • edited 10:06PM
    @Graeme - look like cormorants to me
  • edited April 2010
    Thanks @dion! As a reward, here is a pic of a young fox who was guarding the entrance to Harginey Station last night (SG side)

    <img src=""></img>
  • edited 10:06PM
  • edited 10:06PM
    @ sincers - how to plan to catch the squirrels? I wish I could get them out of my bulbs too. I just sowed some courgette seeds and they are even trying to dig them up..... they are very fearless and come up close so perhaps you are just going to grab them...?
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