I found this site useful:
You take a survey based on policies, not the parties, and it helps you identify who to vote for.
It also takes your postcode. Here are the results for Hornsey and Wood Green so far - apparently there have been 94 completed surveys so far, and here's what it shows:
Labour 26.80%
Green Party 26.09%
Lib Dems 17.51%
Conservatives 14.54%
UKIP 11.56%
BNP 3.50%
From what I know of the different teams behind them, the VoteMatch.org.uk is the best - good experience of doing similar in previous elections here and elsewhere, done detailed policy research, given parties chances to comment on whether they agree with the scoring system, good algorithm behind the site etc. That's partly because, due to their previous record and tie up with various organisations, they've had the chance to put a decent amount of resources into refining their system.
I've never been a fan of Lynne or the Lib Dems, but tomorrow I'm going to vote for her. Of all the candidates, she's the only one who came by. The rest sent leaflets and over-eager canvassers. If she can spare 20 minutes to talk to us, I can spare five minutes to walk across the street to vote.