Election Day Thread

edited May 2010 in Local discussion
Did you vote? What do you think the results will be? I think Corbyn and Lynne will get back in, Tories largest party (c.299 seats), but no overall majority, despite the best efforts of The Sun. Voted this morning - decent length queues at our Polling Station and Cllr Watts checking ballots at the gate. And if I'm honest, that lad needs a good night's sleep and a weekend off.


  • edited 11:04AM
    Why do they check the ballots? (I can't remember, I might have asked this before...)
  • edited 11:04AM
    make sure they've got their vote out
  • edited 11:04AM
    I think that’s a good call Andy. A survivable minority government would require about 300 seats, so that would be seriously borderline. I fear they’ll get a few more than that though. I’ll be up all night with some comrades and too much booze, I may post increasingly drunken comments here. I predict that the Greens will do well locally, based on the number of signs. I know a couple of seriously disillusioned Labour votes who are voting green in Islington North (Corbyn’s constituency) too. Might be an interesting night for them, I’m hoping they take Brighton.
  • edited 11:04AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 11:04AM
    I’m far too professional to run out of booze. Yeah Lynn’s constituency office is above it which is handy. The latest rumour is that they’re kicking people out at two ‘and then reopening later’, which I’ve taken to mean that people who haven’t done party work will be evicted. I might be able to blag it but I’ll have too many pals with me to risk it, so I think my comfy sofa and widescreen is probably the way forward. Cheaper and less far to crawl to bed too.
  • edited 11:04AM
    Are any of the local bars doing an all night election night?
  • edited 11:04AM
    Gave Jeremy Corbyn a cheer as I sped past him on the bike this morning near Arsenal. Poor chap, still knocking on doors all day. He'd have my vote if I was in Islington North, but I'm not.
  • edited 11:04AM
    @slabber - the dairy looked like it had something going on
  • edited 11:04AM
    The Channel 4 thing is quite good.
  • edited 11:04AM
    or was, until Liddle, Hatton and Currie came on. I'll turn it back on when the Mitchell, Carr, Brooker dreamteam are back on.
  • edited 11:04AM
    Exit polls calling a hung parliament. I remember '92, when the exit polls called a hung parliament and we ended up with a small tory majority
  • edited 11:04AM
    Can't look at Jimmy Carr. His gigantic, smug, moon like face irritates me beyond measure.
  • edited 11:04AM
    It's like watching West South-West Andy as a TV programme. ![venn](/img/venn2.png)
  • edited 11:04AM
    there are far too many new members on the site to understand this
  • edited 11:04AM
    I dunno, its a pretty well labelled diagram. Carr keeps fluffing his lines.
  • edited 11:04AM
    C4 show pretty funny. The food sketch was hideous though. I call bullshit on the exit polls.
  • edited 11:04AM
    David Baddiel, Kelly Holmes, Dom Joly, Fern Britton on BBC1 Is there a more random collection of celebs? This is not fishing with a line, people.
  • edited 11:04AM
    Is that Vernon?
  • edited 11:04AM
    It is! Lucy just threw something at the TV
  • edited 11:04AM
    cannot stand andrew neil. also think that emily maitlis' skirt is a bit short. therefore have been mainly watching channel 4. i haven't yet considered itv as a sensible alternative.
  • edited 11:04AM
    _"Its like choosing between angus steakhouse, aberdeen steakhouse and garfunkels"_
  • edited 11:04AM
    huge tory swings in the first couple of seats.
  • edited 11:04AM
    Lucy is screaming at the TV every time VB is on
  • edited 11:04AM
    VB? I've missed something? Who VB?
  • edited 11:04AM
    i'm scared. swings like that in sunderland? it's going to be a fucking landslide isn't it.
  • edited 11:04AM
    vernon bogdanor on bbc1. lucy has fond memories
  • LizLiz
    edited 11:04AM
    Me too. He is smug as all hell. Annoying me that any of my licence fee could be going on paying him.
  • edited 11:04AM
    @ Sophie - Hope not. Exit poll looked pretty weird to me. Would have expected lower no. of seats for Labour and higher for Lib Dems. Its only really in the marginals that it will become clear if the Tories are going to get the 7-8% swing that they need for a majority.
  • edited 11:04AM
    Vernon Bogdanor infinitely preferable to bloody George Osbourne.
  • LizLiz
    edited 11:04AM
    Vern looks exactly the same as he did 15 years ago - how is that possible? Perhaps a portrait in the attic somewhere? Same could also be true of George Osborne though.
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