Finsbury Park station tunnel



  • edited 7:50PM
    ...via the Northern City Line from Moorgate. Very sad that it never happened, with or without the extention to Highgate and Ally Pally.
  • edited 7:50PM
    Thank you Tosscat, I followed the delightful Arkady's tips above and have since managed to master links. I will read through the link you have posted and endeavour to advance to posting pictures.
  • edited 7:50PM
    Pictures are trickier. I can't work out how to resize them so that you don't just see part of them.
  • edited 7:50PM
    Apparently the station was closed a couple of weekends ago because they were putting in some disabled access on the platforms - I havent seen them myself but will check them out. But according to my friend this is useless because - guess what - there is no lift planned in Finsbury Park for years!! It was subject to the cuts. If this is happening now god knows what will happen come the Comprehensive Spending Review. There are cuts and cuts - but what is the sense of then spending money on the access at platform level if wheelchair users cannot access the actual platform!!!
  • RoyRoy
    edited 7:50PM
    Re disabled access, it's a useful interchange between the Piccadilly and Victoria lines, so platform improvements are still useful (and probably relatively inexpensive compared to installing a lift).

  • edited 7:50PM
    If you're ever really, really bored getting a Victoria Line train south from FP, you can tell how they converted the old "Northern City" line tunnel to the Victoria Line even with your eyes closed. As you go south, after about 20 or 30 seconds of accelerating you'll hear a great big slam of air hitting the train, especially at the front of the train. That's where the old tunnel ends (which was big enough for overland trains) and the new Victoria line tunnel starts (which was only built big enough for tube trains), hence the slam sound of the trains going into the smaller tunnel section.
  • edited 7:50PM
    i really need to get this off my chest as it makes me fume silently most mornings. there's one station announcer, sounds like a young bored bloke, who always says "there are minor delays on the whatever line, and a good service TO all other underground lines." this pisses me off no end. you can surely have delays TO a line, or a good service TO all stations, but not a good service TO a line. am i wrong or what?
  • edited 7:50PM
    fully agreed. this is what happens when you abolish grammar schools.
  • edited 7:50PM
    While we're in rant mode, what REALLY pisses me off is the ignorant tossers who push their way to the front of the queue for the W3 bus at Wells Terrace. One day I'm seriously going to take them down. Staring at them menacingly and standing in their way is partially effective. But what they really need is a good ole fashion lesson in manners.
  • edited 7:50PM
    Sincers, I find that annoying too. On the other hand, sometimes I have been bellowed at on more than one occasion for ‘pushing in front’ of people who were sat down on the benches in the bush shelter, even when there were many people waiting and the queue stretched out into the rain. That is rather unreasonable, I would suggest.
  • edited 7:50PM
    Yes, there's a bit of a science to the Wells Terrace queuing system. Personally, I think if you sit down and leave a gap on the bench, you're taking yourself out of the game and don't have the right to have a go at someone who's making best use of the sheltered pavement. Particularly given when the queue gets very long and the announcer in the tower starts having a go at everyone for queuing on the road. Like, what are you supposed to do?! Its obvious who the real queue jumpers are though, and they're going to hell! Having said that, I used to be less lazy and walk home.
  • edited 7:50PM
    Unfortunately this doesn't include Finsbury park station but it's quite interesting on the subject of station tiling. <>;
  • edited 7:50PM
    Do you guys wait for a bus when you live in SG? It's only a ten minute walk or so, not worth the hassle at rush hour.
  • edited November 2010
    The same people who think I'm odd for complaining about people shouting outside my house which I consider anti-social seem to be more uptight about something more trivial. Strange!
  • edited 7:50PM
    We don't think it's strange that you complain. We think it's strange that you find ever more boring ways of repeating your complaint every day, to the point that we either no longer care or actively hope that you suffer. Yes call us uptight, that will win our sympathy, especially coming from the stress monkey.
  • edited November 2010
    I agree, I have banged on about SL a bit too much. It's just no one has acknowledged that it is a problem and I've been met with a lot of abuse over it. If attacked I tend to go on the counter attack, and all sorts of things have been thrown at me from insults to prejudice against people in social housing (that really shocked me as I didn't think people on here bought the Conservative/Daily Mail attitude towards people in social housing).

    Sugar Lounge have taken measures to reduce the problem (even though they're a bit flakey about this at times) and it's winter now so we don't have loads of people hanging outside for most of the night like in warmer times. The noise starts later(usually about 2am) when people are really drunk and are oblivious to the cold. I've started to go to bed earlier even though I'm a late night person and so don't hear it.
    The comments I've made on here about SL over the last week or so were a joke (gold plaque please etc.) at the start and aimed more towards the crowd that seem to be attracted like zombies to Chapter One or any other bar with a late night license. Then I got lots of very serious replies and so replied in that manner. Whatever you think about me, there are other people affected by this including families who can't just move on a whim. But I do know people who have grown fed up of the situation and moved on. Only a small minority of SG residents use this forum and to be honest I've become fed up as you have too about being the voice against all this. I think since it only affects the people living around the bars it's not of interest to people who want to enjoy them.

    I realised a few months ago that it was best to go through other channels to deal with this, if or when it becomes a problem.
  • edited November 2010
    People were sympathetic and supportive. <>; If you had kept the complaints to one of the several threads that you started about noise at the Sugar Lounge instead of bringing it into almost every thread you comment on, you would still have the sympathy and support.
  • edited 7:50PM
    Yes! Another District Dave fan... 2nd place in my train geekery affections behind the skyscrapercity Underground and Overground forums: <>; <>;
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