SGR Quiz



  • AliAli
    edited 12:39AM
    WLM was car sales place with the garage part of it being in the back bit of the present pub. I was in WLM the night it opened (same day as my birthday in 1986) , it was a very big pub in those days compared to most others, had loads of books in it’s shelves. I managed to get a classic economics book from the early 1920s one drunken night. A photo of the big round table that used to be in the “conservatory” part of the pub also featured in an article in the ST magazine all about this being the future of pubs ! Marlers Bar which was the first pub on the Noble Site was pub no 6 or so in the Weatherspoons chain got sold off after WLM opened. If you look here you can find out more. Picture number three is the Gents toilet for those interested ! <>;
  • AliAli
    edited 12:39AM
    Is this anything to with Krappys old Boer War wound he mentioned in Feb last year !
  • AliAli
    edited 12:39AM
    What has James McNeill Whistler got to do with SGR?
  • edited 12:39AM
    @Ali WLM was indeed a car showroom and owned by Arsenal 'legends' Frank Mclintock and George Graham - so plenty of sheepskin coats and brown envelopes around the place. You must be the reason why all the books at WLM were glued together on the shelves - all that Victoriana arrived n the back of a van one night I recall it was much better then. Who at Wetherspoons thought SGR needed a pub that looks like a Luton airport departure lounge, it's just revolting. [Also who was the genius that thought plain glass was essential for pub windows? I'm sure their Mum loves them though]
    I remember Marlers too - great food at lunchtime.

    The Boer War link is; An enterprising soul staged a Magic Lantern show on SGR to celebrate the end of the war. This was on the first floor of the Mansion flats at junction with Hanley Rd. - so the extended roof terrace above Sainsbury's entrance. It was projected onto the building across the road - i.e above the MInd shop.
  • IanIan
    edited 12:39AM
    The little clock on the house in Charteris Road is back. It hasn't been fixed so one side still doesn't have the right time. I'm glad they have put it back up and it wasn't a casualty of the council repairs. The work they have done on the council houses has been really good. Must be much better for the residents now.
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