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Front Yard Sale

edited June 2011 in Local discussion
On weekend of 25th/26th June (11am-4pm), my friend Ming is having her annual front garden sale in Connaught Road. She always has a wide range of things to sell, from bags to bric-a-brac and various household items. I'll be selling plants. It's a good way to meet neighbours, too. Look out for the yellow posters going up in a few days.


  • edited 1:05AM
    Hi Val, I bought a couple of plants from Ming (or was it you?) last year, and very well they are doing too. I've got some young tomato plants I need to get rid of, do you want them? And does the money go to charity, or do you just spend it on booze and sweets? I don't mind either way, just interested...
  • valval
    edited 1:05AM
    emine, Sorry, I have only just seen your message. Glad your plants doing well. Ming says she gives her takings to Red Cross. I keep my small profit! Thanks for offer of tomato plants. I wonder if they were the ones Ming had on display today? She did sell some. If you still have yours, you could put them by your gate with a note saying "Help Yourself". I do that with some things and they always go eventually.
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