The Noble



  • IanIan
    edited 10:20PM
    I went to the noble last night. No Pegg and Frost.

    It was empty for ages but filled up around 8. We had some tapas. Pork was a flaming rip off (and tasted like it had been around a while). One tiny piece for £4. Barman was random - wouldn't let my friends pay seperately for their food as "usually people who are eating run a tab". Turns out it was his first night so how he knew what the routine was is beyond me. In fact given I had been before I could have countered with a "no they don't sunshine".

    Other barman must have thought he was a gangsta rapper from LA as he had his jeans below his pants. Aside from my usual thoughts about this fashion, I tend not to want to see someone serving me a drink with their arse hanging out.

    Nice enough place. Just don't eat the tapas.
  • edited 10:20PM
    I was in the Noble last night as well! It filled up at 8 I think cos that's when a big group of us set up camp. I feel VERY AGGRIEVED that Simon Pegg wasn't there. He let me down. I hate him now.
  • edited 10:20PM
    I know of at least three other people associated with this forum who were also in The Noble last night. All very upset that there were no famous people in there.

    We also went to kebaberie over road, Mey, for some scran beforehand. Mr Pegg wan't in there either. The food was very good, btw.
  • edited 10:20PM
    hey guys. chill. the success or failure of a night out doesn't depend on a simon pegg sighting.
  • edited 10:20PM
    I think Ian has raised an issue here worthy of its own thread. The trend for jeans hanging below pants has got to stop. I see kids struggling to walk due to their crotch hanging round their knees. It's full of wrong.
  • IanIan
    edited 10:20PM
    Emma - were you the group with the guy I dubbed the Albino Morrisey? Blond hair and cravat?
  • edited 10:20PM
    He was an odd character, wasn't he? He was complaining to the barman about something or other. Probably that the ice in his water wasn't cold enough, most likely.

    ...and he really should also have bleached his eyebrows to match his mop. He looked like he had two dead slugs sat above his eyes.
  • LizLiz
    edited 10:20PM
    That barman with the v low slung jeans was working in the Noble last time I went in there. I mean come on, it's Crouh Hill, not Hoxton Square. And how on earth do they stay up?
  • IanIan
    edited 10:20PM
    I wouldn't like to speculate.
  • edited 10:20PM
    The male equivalent of tit-tape?
  • edited 10:20PM
    Male tit tape. Usually the reserve of pre-op transexuals, subverted by the street to hold jeans up despite themselves. My jesus.
  • edited 10:20PM
    hey - let's not diss the kids. they have to find their own way. and if that's through asymmetric haircuts and low slung jeans....well, they have to learn their own lessons.
  • edited 10:20PM
    And whilst I'm on the subject, I was in hoxton square last night - and there was a bloody stag do there. With the stag dressed up as a leprachaun. Where are the cool kids drinking these days?
  • edited 10:20PM
    I'd say Brick Lane has usurped Old Street in the shit-loud-tinny-music-but-trendy stakes. Anything that requires male tip tape is ripe for ridicule.
  • edited 10:20PM
    Yes, I was with that chap. Although he left just after I arrived.

    Also, we saw the stupid-trousered barman in Tesco yesterday. I did one of those double takes where you think you know someone and should say hello, and then realise you don't actually <i>know</i> them. His trousers were still stupid.
  • edited 10:20PM
    I was in the Noble on Friday night ... NO SIMON PEGG FFS! Tapas was OK but not great value for money. I hope their regular chef (in Australia sorting out his visa apparently) is back soon.

    However, I felt better on Saturday after driving past Simon Pegg just as I drove into Crouch End (at the crossing opposite All Bar One).
  • edited 10:20PM
    Are all the chefs on the strip from Oz? The one from the Dairy hails from the antipodes I believe.
  • IanIan
    edited 10:20PM
    Update: Chef is now back.

    Told barmaid to tell him to pull his trousers up. Barmaid is girlfriend. We were in agreement it was wrong. For one night only his pants were not on show. Passed him in street just now. Pants are back.
  • edited 10:20PM
    I was in the Noble last night - we abandoned our plan to go Larrik because it was SO BAD - some kind of pumping funk tunes, which is of course JUST WHAT EVERYONE WANTS TO HEAR when they're having a pint with their mates. Anyway there was an amazing little doggy in the Noble, made my night. No Pegg though. I am starting to think he doesn't exist in real life.
  • edited 10:20PM
    Super hands from peepshow was in there on Saturday night....oh and some loser from grange hill and london's burning.......i had a nice night.
  • edited 10:20PM
    Apparently, it's Super Hans, not Super Hands. But Super Hands sounds better, dunnit.
  • edited 10:20PM
    I was in on Saturday evening as well - the loser from Grange Hill (and London's Burning) was John Alford ... who my girlfriend admitted to having a naked picture of on her maths book at school.
  • edited 10:20PM
    ahh. John Alford! that's right....I think he briefly had some kind of appauling singing career as well. He was so trumped by Super Hans (thanks for the correction Emma)
  • edited May 2007
    @Emma, Managed about 20 seconds in the Larrick on Sunday, really loud, really nasty...
  • edited 10:20PM
    the noble is having a party on saturday night. i have been told that it is not been advertised- oops but they are giving away canapes and maybe a glass of champagne for every one that is there. oh and closing at 2 instead of 12........
    think i may have to check that out
  • edited 10:20PM
    Maybe it'll take away custom from Karmenz. I *hate* Karmenz.
  • edited 10:20PM
    The party is/was for the The Noble's first birthday. We went quite early, it was empty. It soon filled up. I hope it's doing well as I much prefer it to the local opposition.
  • edited 10:20PM
    We were there towards the end - it was quite full. I'm sure they're doing OK and if not we can all chip in to buy it.
  • edited 10:20PM
    It was pretty busy early doors last night too.
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