Crazy man and Police on Oxford Road/Woodstock Road

We were woken up around 7:30am by loud Reggae music and a man shouting abuse... then about 40 Policemen/women urned up.. then later 4 policemen with guns and riot shields...

Does anyone know what was going on?

just being a nosy neighbour....


  • edited May 2008
    My girlfriend said that same as she made her way to work offensively early via Florence/Woodcock to the station. Couldn't find anything online to confirm the drama.

    Then again, we had 20 pigs stormtroop a house opposite recently without any explanation either.
  • edited 5:52PM
    Oink oink - it is like the eighties
  • edited 5:52PM
    @ David - are you really Vivien from The Young Ones??

    There was a lovely police raid on the adjoining block to us on Thursday - word has it there's a guy with an electronic tag lives there who shouldn't have been out.
  • edited 5:52PM
    no, but has anyone seen Adrian Edmondson's truly shit new comedy show?
  • edited 5:52PM
    Somehow all this always bypasses Albert rd. I feel I'm missing out.
  • edited 5:52PM
    @ David - I have had the misfortune, yes. It is truly appalling. I had to hide behind the couch I was so embarrassed. It made Ricky Gervais' sitcom on Extras look both funny and original! And what's the deal with the Japanese guy? I thought racist stereotypes went out with It Ain't Half Hot Mum and Mind Your Language (programmes my mum's told me about by the way!)

    What WAS he thinking?
  • edited 5:52PM
    Probably "I'll get paid whatever I come up with"
  • edited 5:52PM
    Its just a shame. He's clearly a clever bloke and you just know he could do better.
  • edited 5:52PM
    I often consider how people who were once capable of great things feel happy enough churning out sub-standard (for them) material. Quite a list! Prince included.
  • edited 5:52PM
    Sorry to drag up an old one but just noticed this morning that the windows on top floor of house on corner of Oxford/Woodstock are still just sheets of galvanised iron after this incident. I think it involved someone's possessions being turfed out into garden. No domestic worth its salt is without stuff turfed out the window!
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