The Triangle

edited February 2010 in Local discussion
OK, I'm kind of ashamed to admit this but I only just tried the Triangle last week, after more than two years of living in Stroud Green and eating out in local restaurants pretty frequently. To be frank, the outside has always put me off. It just seemed a bit dismal and shabby, and I think I'd been put off by stuff I'd read on here, can't remember what. But anyway, my other half wanted to try it last Thursday, so we did. At the risk of further exhibiting a PMA*, I absolutely loved it. The food - I had lamb tagine, can't remember what he had, but he liked it - was delicious, and the waitress was really lovely and friendly. I found the decor quite remarkable, and how cool is the ceiling with the persian carpets, the upside-down bed, tray of drinks & cigarettes etc? The atmosphere was great too. And while the food was on the expensive side, once I tasted it I thought it was worth it. best of all, she said there's belly-dancing on Saturday nights! Anyone been? What's it like? *positive mental attitude :)


  • edited 1:06AM
    I go about once a week. It's brilliant. Their 'new English breakfast' is, without exaggeration, the best I have ever had. Quality sausages, refried lentils instead of beans... the attention to detail is astonishing, and the waitress lovely. Strongly recommended. Oh, good cocktails too.
  • edited February 2010
    I really like the Triangle too as per comments passim on this board (different thread) - went for a loved-up birthday meal a few months ago - just hit the spot as you describe DonnaW. Yes it's a bit pricey but ygwypf**.

    Some people on SGO have a real downer on it - dunno why - maybe it was the chef's off night when they went.

    **You get what you pay for.
  • edited 1:06AM
    I think me and Mrs L (She's not a doctor like me) have been put off by seeing the crappy plastic chairs in the rear garden 'terrace' of The Triangle - you can see it from Parklands walk.

    Could it really be a hidden gem, the reviews on seem to be a 50:50 split.
  • edited 1:06AM
    maybe they have a new chef? the menu's been the same for about 6 years and full of too-adventurous-cool-for-school dishes (kangaroo, ostrich etc) which always stuck me as odd for a local corner restaurant with (probably) limited turnover of food stock. And I don't like their winelist (hmmf.) But the atmosphere is lovely, the staff are great and the belly-dancing is good fun so I still have a soft spot for the old place despite all that.

    How's that for a 50:50 review all in one?
  • edited 1:06AM
    hullo :)

    where is the triangle? is it the same as the auld triangle?
  • edited 1:06AM
    No - its right at the bottom of Ferme Park Road, near Londis.

    They have regularly changed the menu over the last few months after several years of offering exactly the same thing (kangaroo etc. as noted above).

    Waitresses are extremely friendly and food is generally pretty good - my only complaint is that the music can get a bit loud and that the staff can't appear to find the volume control when you complain.
  • edited 1:06AM
    i'm quite a fan of the crappy chairs in the garden. admittedly once you're sat on them you're not as disgusted by the aesthetics, but for a summers evening hideaway with a bottle of red, you can't really complain.

    not sure the kangaroo really does it for me either, but it's the look / atmos that swings it - that and it being ludicrously local..

    but wasn't there talk a while back about this place being closed down?
  • edited 1:06AM
    the triangle is great. there is always a lingering rumour that it's going to shut down, but it's still there and it's fun. frankly, i miss the giant indian tents they erected over the front terrace a few summers ago.
  • edited 1:06AM
    I've heard a lingering rumour that they might go back to cooking fantastic Morrocan dishes.
  • IanIan
    edited 1:06AM
    I liked the Triangle last time I went - it is good food, but it still feels expensive to me. I have this thing that you shouldn't pay that much to eat in N4. It's the sort of price I would only pay for a special night out in the West End - you know, Del Parc or somewhere posh on the Holloway Road ...
  • edited February 2010
    ... <i> or somewhere posh on the Holloway Road ... </i>

    Posh? Holloway Road?

  • edited 1:06AM
    I'm interested in finding out how much of that last response was copy and pasted?
  • edited 1:06AM
    C&P = 76.27%

    HTML = 1.4%

    Sarcasm = 82.4%
  • edited 1:06AM
    Main courses at the Triangle vary between about £7.50 and £15. that's hardly 'pricey' or 'posh' unless you usually only eat in greasy cafes. When you consider the portions (enormous), the quality (top notch), the service (impeccable) and the ambience (uniquely wonderful) it's the best value place I have been to in London, I exaggerate not.

    A meal in a place of the same quality in the West End would cost you double, easily, plus you'd be surrounded by posers.

  • edited 1:06AM
    and you can chase down your meal with a pint of Bass and game of darts in the Nicholas Nickelby afterwards...
  • edited 1:06AM
    Was having a grin at @ChrisG's q if it was the same as the Auld Triangle... I used to live directly opposite that, and had lovely Arsenal fans peeing in my front garden, and a noisy police operation to empty the place when they got pumped in the Champions Leauge.

    On one of the two occassions I was ever in it (despite living on St. Thomas' Rd for 3 years) a girl had her head put through the window. By her boyfriend. Then said she was ok, didn't need an ambulance or no f******* police neither. Charming.

    Still, it looks like they might share the same crappy outdoor furniture with the Triangle.
  • edited 1:06AM
    @graeme: I also used to live opposite the Auld Triangle, at 7 Plimsoll Rd. What a sh*thole. The house and the pub.
    Residents prevented a change of use application last year, and there's bubbling rumours about a gastro conversion.
  • IanIan
    edited 1:06AM
    Wow. Time has moved on and I hadn't realised that people here found it difficult to spot a gag. @poxy - read it again with the following conceit in mind: a) 'west end' a phrase used in London to mean the area from soho to mayfair and b) 'west end' a device used in jest by a member of an Internet group to refer to the western boundary of n4, I.e. Holloway road as if it were 'the West End' (for definition see a) above). <sigh>
  • edited 1:06AM
    Well if it was a gag, he did laugh a lot.
  • edited 1:06AM
    Far too convoluted. Especially, as the <a href="" target="_blank">N4</a> postcode area doesn't extend past Hornsey Road.
  • edited February 2010
    Looking at that Museum of London page [N4]( link, they want local stories. Is Busby still around? His [growing up in Stroud Green]( during the war stories would be perfect.
  • edited 1:06AM
    The Triangle is now on Taste London.
  • KazKaz
    edited 1:06AM
    Has anyone been to the Triangle recently? Went a few times a few years back and was very impressed. Last time I went, I was very underwhelmed and have not been back. Food was not great, the prosecco was awful and not opened at the table, and, I don't know, I was just disappointed. Keen to try it again though, if anyone has any recent experiences to share I would be grateful!
  • edited 1:06AM
    @ Poxy for those of us who live Hornsey Road ish Holloway Road is dead posh (there's a Waitrose after all) whereas the east side of SG is practically Beverley Hills..
  • edited 1:06AM
    I love the atmosphere, decor and service in The Triangle. The food has been the teensy let-down whenever I've been... Had this lovely rabbit dish the last time I went but the accompanying potato was all wrong for it!Dragged it down to a TopTable 7/10 for food from me.
  • edited 1:06AM
    I haven't been for a while, but I've always liked it. And the belly dancing is very good, if a little embarrassing when they wiggle in front of you and you pretend to your gf that your not staring at their cleavage.
  • edited 1:06AM
    I walked past it the other night and it looked very much closed down. Does anyone know if it has shut down?
  • KazKaz
    edited 1:06AM
    @sincers - I wouldn't worry, most (straight) girls I know stare at their cleavage as well. And we know you are doing it, so you might as well enjoy it.

    @georgiegirl I think they are closed on a Monday, so that could explain it?
  • edited 1:06AM
    I went there for dinner on Sunday night and they sold me the teapot cos I said I liked it.
  • <font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal;">Apparently the Triangle is reopening following a makeover.</span></font><div style="font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal;"><br></div><div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;"></span></font><br></div>;
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